Chapter 12

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Okay, let's see if I can finish this one tonight so that I can continue working on the sequel! Here's Chapter 12. Only a few more to go before it's all up on the internet... permanently!

Chapter 12:

Forces to be reckoned with.

We had finally reached our destination; the heart of Grassholm Island, where for generations no witch hunter had found the gathering wulver. Elder McFarlane and the others from the elder clan were already there; babbling away amongst each other in their Scottish tongue, it appeared to be an urgent matter for none of them even so much as acknowledged our approach. Other packs also arrived from every direction; greeting their allies, friends and relatives alike. Alick stood looking for someone; a relative perhaps, or just another woman who never loved him in return.

        A tall woman; in her mid-forties, with coffee colored hair and hot mahogany brown eyes spotted him. She came running over; and threw her arms around him, in a tight hug.

        “Boyo! Oh Alick it’s so good to see you.” She cried; in a joyful Welsh dialect, kissing his forehead.

        “I missed you too, Mam.” Alick replied. I had never met his mother; Lowri Bade, she was a fangen wulver like her son. His father had married her; after leaving a woman named Heather Gray, who mothered Steven Gray soon after his departure. She was beautiful; and I could tell where Alick got his angelic smile, when she turned to me and said.

        “And this must be the young lady all this hulla-balloo is about.” She seemed pleased that I was here; and smiled merrily, beckoning her pack mates to her. “It seems you’ve caused a great stir; amongst the witch hunters, they’ll stop at nothing to find you.” At those words; the elders approached, with judgmental expressions.

“Let me appraise this young one.” High elder McFarlane; the oldest and wisest of them articulated, looking down his long, slender nose at me. “Ah yes. a red wolf; you will become, they are stronger and more fearsome than any other. I sense; dear child, that you will be a far greater wulver than anyone can imagine. Yes; your destiny is a great one indeed, you might well be the one to save us all.”  His voice was kind; and he spoke with the wisdom of over a hundred years, there was no doubt that he was old; no matter how bright and shining, the gleam in his sky blue eyes remained.          “Tell me; dear young one, are you afraid of fate?” Another elder asked me.

“Not in the slightest,” I told the elder clan. “as a child; I learned the same way, the young wulver do. My Grandfather was George Richards; a weren wulver, and a good man.”

“George Richards? I’ve not seen him for two decades, how is he?” asked a third elder.

“He’s dead; he had a terrible heart attack, four years ago.” I told them; to which those wearing hats removed them, and they bowed their heads in sorrow and respect.

“Wulverclagen!” The High Elder; Wolfric McFarlane, addressed the gathering. “A moment of silence; for George Richards, the famed weren. Let his memory; not be forgotten, let his life’s work not go in vein. Weren wulver; do what you can to live up to his name, George Richards goes in peace and in honor.” The entire island grew silent then; the sky grew darker, the moon rising toward the sun. I could feel the air getting heavier at that moment; like a feeling of dread, hanging over the island. The wulver looked to the sky; ready for the passing of the eclipse, ready for the forces of the supernatural to bear down on us all.

Meanwhile; in England’s Belvoir Castle in Lestershire, the witch hunters were plotting against the wulver. They had a young child; one of the wulver, imprisoned there. A child more powerful than any other living thing; a twelve year old boy, by the name of Deo McKale. his gifts were that of a god; and his life, was all important on both sides of the battle. In the wrong hands;  he was an all powerful weapon against the supernatural, on the other hand; he was an orphan wulver, to be fostered by Alick and I should we survive his rescue.

Ryder and the Wolf: The End Begins. (Book 1 Completed)Where stories live. Discover now