Chapter 16

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This one's another long one, after this we're down to two more chapters. Come on end of book one!!!! Actually the last chapter is notoriously short and not very action packed, but it'd be kinda dumb not to read it since you've come this far... Anywho!!!!

Chapter 16:

Deo’s Power.

It was near dusk when we reached the place from my vision; it seemed that the witch hunters had made it there before us, and set up their own encampments. Deo who had been so quiet all this time suddenly turned to me with a look of panic; he was afraid of his ultimatum, it was the most uncontrollable power any of us could fathom and by far the most dangerous weapon in existence.

“I don’t want to phase for the battle. My gift scares me; I can never stop it once it’s been unleashed, and there’s no one strong enough to help me.” he confided in me; he was right to be afraid, they all were. I was afraid now; more than ever I wanted to crawl back into my bed in widecombe, and bury my entire being in the sheets and pillows that were once so close to my skin and so warm. They were so far away now, and had since grown cold and neglected. I stood watching over my clan; the new high elder at barely eighteen, and thought for a moment.

“Then let’s hope you won’t have to.” I said; knowing full well he would have to, before the end. “If our worst fears are realized; I will help you, I am like you Deo. A moon spirit; we need each other to succeed, my gift of foresight combined with your ultimatum. it will be the greatest victory in the history of our kind.” I said; shifting my gaze from one campfire to the next, in search of my other half.

I found him with the rest of my pack mates; and made my way over to them, Deo at my side.

“Gar Ryder.” Rollin addressed me; as they all looked up, and gaped at me in veneration. “What an honor to have you join us. you are; after all, our new alpha.” everyone glared at him; and then at me, in utter disdain. I ignored the heat of their frustration, and turned my gaze to my beloved.

“Alick; I apologize for maiming you yesterday morning, I was only trying to defend myself. you know I would never hurt you like that; not when I care so much about you, I never planned to become a garwolf... I never thought we’d even make it as far as the forest of Afan.” Alick merely flashed me a hurt expression and continued his efforts at tearing through a hunk of rare meat. I sat beside him and picked up a twig; he and the others watched me make small markings in the ashes that bordered our fire, a plan of action perhaps?

No; just a note of sincere apology, the words ‘I love you, please forgive me.’ and a small drawing of a broken heart. I got up and beckoned Deo to follow me to Morna’s campfire; where she sat with her husband, Conner Sage. They were watching over their twelve year old daughter; Gwendolyn, who was playing in the long grasses that covered the hillside. As much as I had disliked Morna before; I was beginning to understand more about her as a wulver, she knew my scent by now and offered me a seat immediately.

“Deo, why don’t you go and keep Gwen company for a while? Gar Ryder and I have much to discuss.” Deo nodded and quietly obeyed; in truth he enjoyed having someone his own age to talk to, although he was a little disappointed at being sent away from the one person he knew could protect him. “Alick is still not talking, I’m worried about him. he hasn’t said a word since you beat him yesterday; it’s enough to make you wonder isn’t it? weather or not he’ll ever talk again, I mean.”

There was sorrow in her eyes; more so for me than anything else, it was as if we had always been friends. Like none of our fights had ever even happened; I felt her empathy for us, but I couldn’t help but hate myself for hurting Alick. “I really hope he pulls through it soon. We can’t finish this without him; and if he’s not saying anything because he’s planning to abandon our cause, then we’re doomed.” her words stung my ears, and I immediately beckoned Deo back and turned to Morna.

Ryder and the Wolf: The End Begins. (Book 1 Completed)Where stories live. Discover now