Chapter 14

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5 more chapters, this one's a long one! Hope you enjoy this one, SPOILER ALERT: it's the chapter where Ryder finds out the ultimate truth about her father! O_O we're gonna need popcorn, gummy bears... and our favorite throw pillow!!!!

Chapter 14:

Kept in the Dark

I had no inkling of what was to come; but I had a bad feeling that it would change the outcome of our efforts, my night visions were becoming more and more vivid. Every memory of my grandfather’s words; suddenly became more, and more confusing. I could sense that there was more than witch hunters after us; something familiar, but hidden somewhere in the forgotten corners of my mind. I woke up in tears before every dawn now; something in my sleep kept gnawing away at the edges of my thoughts, like a leech it sucked all the hope out of each sunrise.

I buried the feeling; trying to stay strong for the others, not wanting to talk about it. my father’s next riddle was somewhere in the Afan forest; in a secret hollow, once I had found it I felt as if something evil had been watching me. I took the box from the hollow and left for another clearing; I was afraid to open the box there, if there was something watching me then it wanted what was in the box.

“What’s that?” asked Rollin; running over and looking at the box, “The next riddle?”

“I think this is what the key was for.” I replied; removing the key from my satchel, I was nervous of what I might find when I opened the box. However; I wasn’t going to let my nerves stand as a blockade, my father had a secret he wanted me to know and I wasn’t going to give up until I figured out his riddles. I opened the box to find a letter and my fathers wulver clan ring; reading the letter I realized the date on which my father had written it was... recent, “how is that even possible?”

“What?” asked Alick; he’d been hunting with Romulus, Remus and Darren, the best catch of which he avoided giving to Morna. She smiled as she watched him run over and pick me up in his arms; I was a little suspicious of his new attitude toward me, but all the same it was nice to finally see this side of him again. After all these years it was like our last encounter never happened; Alick then presented me with the best catch from the hunt, a large and incredibly fat badger. “I hope this makes up for all I’ve put you through so far.” he said; with a sheepish grin, that rendered me powerless to stifle a soft giggle.

A long while after our campfires had gone out; and all the wulver were asleep in their packs, throughout the clearing, there was a rustling in the surrounding bushes. I alone awoke to this slight disturbance; and sat up beside Alick who slept soundly, none of the others had moved. I seemed to be the only one awake; though I saw no signs of life, I could hear the sounds of movement, then suddenly...

“No, let go!” I squeaked; someone had come up behind me, and covered my mouth so I couldn’t cry out. whoever it was; was not about to let go of me as they dragged me into the shadow of the trees. I struggled until the person forced me against a large stone monolith; and looked me directly in the eye with their own turquoise orbs.

“Now hush, Ryder! I’m not here to hurt you, but if the others find you they won’t be as merciful.” He said in a voice that was so familiar; yet so strange, my father often spoke in the same manner, but this voice sounded less human and more monster.

“It was you! you’ve been leaving more recent clues to throw me off the scent. you’ve been trying to stop me from finding the truth about Niamh Peterson!” I yelled.

“That man is gone! the garwulver got hold of him.” said the man I had yet to find out was Niamh himself. “To my kind I am known as Galgar, but to you I am Gar Niamh.” It was then I realized who he was; but it couldn't be, could it?

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