Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 is here!!!! Check it out! Another day, another part to the story... and before breakfast too. That's gotta be your clue as to how fast I like to work. More to come from Ryder later today, so keep an eye out . Comment, follow, fan, and let me know what you think!

Chapter 2:

He Bit You!

        It was getting late and the sun had already left the sky; I was far from the boundary my mother had set for Peter and I, and had wandered up to the caves at Hound’s Tor. I could no longer see the tracks the sheep had worn through the tall grasses; and decided to curl up, just on the inside of a cave entrance. Once nestled; I looked around for any sign of life nearby, something growled and I could hear the soft padding of paws against the stone. It came nearer; it’s pale teeth twinkling in the moonlight, so I stood up -- terrified and turned to run. 

Before I could escape; however, I felt the searing sensation of a set of claws tearing at my back and then I hit the solid rock floor as the teeth sunk into my shoulder. I rolled over onto my back; and looked up into the beast’s warm mahogany brown eyes. It seemed to be staring back at me; with a look of mixed anger and sorrow, then It leaped from the cave and ran out of sight. I lay there; agony searing in my right shoulder, and all the way down my back.

I wanted to scream; and call for help but no sound came out, I doubted if anyone would hear even if I had made a sound. Though the village was not far; I feared my pain would worsen if I tried to walk home, instead I lay there and drifted off to sleep, praying that daylight would come sooner.

I had always been the disobedient child of the two of us; my brother, Peter and I. When our mother had said to stay on our side of the track; I wandered away past our boundaries, Peter shouting at me from somewhere behind me. Peter dared not follow; instead he went inside and kept quiet, The less he said the more trouble I’d be in. My brother and I were close; but he was never one for my adventurous lifestyle, he preferred to stay home and find something constructive to do while I was out exploring.

Everyone would tell me how I’d end up like my father by the time I was twenty-five; they’d berate me on my lack of common sense, or lecture me on how to be a responsible young woman. I was still so young; but I had been told by my grandfather that I shouldn't be too ignorant of the rules, nor should I reject the urge to express my individuality, nor fear what others think. George Richards was My grandfather; he was a good man, he once told me that there were secrets which I would finally learn when the time was right. I always remembered that; and wondered what he meant, he had taught me so much about my ancestry and about so many things most people would never believe in. But I believed; I always believed his stories, and what he told me about memories being helpful hints into valuable life experiences. So I never gave in to the opinions and arguments of others as long as there were no right or wrong answers; as in life experiences, there never are any such answers.

        “Peter, where’s your sister?” mother asked him; he shrugged, and carried on chopping firewood.

        “Around here somewhere.” He told her, “Last I saw she was exploring our new boundaries.”

        “It’s almost dusk, I don’t want her out there after the sun goes down. The locals tell me there are wolves in the area.” Our mother said; with a worried expression, our mother was virtually all we had left of our family, as my father was an only child, and orphan. Our Grandmother; Lucinda was dieing of a terminal illness and not long for this world, and my mother had only one older sister who she never kept in touch with or even got along with.

        “She’ll be back soon I expect. If it gets dark I’ll take a flashlight and go look for her.” Peter assured her. He wasn’t so sure of weather I’d make it home himself; we were seventeen and both had a knack for getting into trouble, which only got worse when we first moved to the village of Widecombe. What else would you expect from young werewolves?

Actually you’d be surprised at how human werewolves really are; as opposed to the gruesome and terrible monsters, werewolves are often depicted as in books and bad horror movies. In fact werewolves are so much like ordinary humans; that no one else ever seems to notice or even show any interest, in what we truly are behind our human appearance. Some of us live right under your noses; yet you’d never be able to tell we had the ability, to change into a big hairy animal. Some werewolves-- the weren wulver for example, do not change form as commonly as others. therefore; you’d find even less chance of discovering their secrets.

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