Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 already?!?! Wow I'm really flying through this one! Let me know what you think so far, I'd LOVE some feedback, it always helps me with ideas for the sequels!

Chapter 9:

She made an enemy… and a new friend.

We were all asleep in the middle of a dense thicket; when I awoke with a strange sense that I was being betrayed, I checked our surroundings for signs of life; and found nothing but dark skies and tufts of dry bog rushes, for miles in every direction. ‘Perhaps it’s nothing.’ I thought to myself, and rolled back over and drifted off to sleep again.

        “Where’s the girl, boy?” I could hear a distant voice say, “we know what she is; it’s no good hiding her, so you might as well be a good lad and hand her over.”

        “She ran away.” Said Peter’s voice; “She said something about going somewhere with her friend, a boy she met.”

        “Which direction; who is this friend, she spoke of? We know everything about her, they mustn’t get where they’re going.” Said the voice of another stranger.

        “I can lead you there, she showed me her route.” Peter replied.

        “We’d rather have your head; boy, and your dear old mumsy’s too, while we’re here. You hold no value to us.” The stranger told him, in a sort of dizzy trill of laughter.

        “She made an enemy of me tonight; If you let me join you, I’ll lead you to her.” Said Peter, in a sinister tone.

        “I like this one; he drives a good bargain, and he’s spirited.” Chuckled the second stranger, “What did you say your name was again, boy?” I shut the conversation out of my mind; as I sat up and shook Tagger, and the others.

        “Tagger, Alick! We need to move, find somewhere our tracks can’t be picked up. The witch hunters have gained an ally, who knows where we’re headed. Get up, we have to go.”

        “What time is it?” asked Steven; rubbing his eyes, and blinking up at me.

        “Does it matter, when you know you’re being followed?” I Squealed, “Get up!” The four of us sat there listening in silence; listening for any sound of movement, the stream ran somewhere beneath us, the breeze blew through the bog rushes and tufts of dry sweet grass sending chills up and down our spines.

There was rustling in the bog rushes and the four of us looked round with a start; it was a large Wolf, with pale colored fur and eyes of pure gold. She came forward; and gazed calmly upon us, as if she knew us.

        “Do not fear me, young ones.” She said in a soft; melodious voice, that made the four of us feel a little day dreamy, “My name is Solstice. I’ve been sent to protect you; by elder McFarlane, he sensed that Gorge Richards’ grandchild has joined our cause, not a gift many of us possess I will admit.”

        “We do not fear you; elder Solstice, but time is short. We should press on; before daylight comes, and the witch hunters are on our tails. We’ll rest more; once we reach the next town, and travel in human form the rest of the way.” Alick said to the she-wolf; who politely agreed, and raised her head to the first light of day; turned, and shook herself all over. There before us stood a fair woman; no older than her late twenties--or at least that’s how she looked.

Her hair was golden blond; her skin was as pale as a spring morning, and her eyes were a foggy silver color. I could tell she was blind then; and wondered how she could possibly find her way, still she pressed forward; determined not to fail the other wulver, at any cost. Alick stayed back; keeping well away from Solstice, though he watched her with a look of sheer anguish. She on the other hand; was oblivious to the torrent of emotions, surrounding Alick’s heart. I had a feeling then; that things were about to change between the two of us, and not for the better I might add.

Ryder and the Wolf: The End Begins. (Book 1 Completed)Where stories live. Discover now