Chapter 8

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**GASP!!!!** SIBLING RIVALRY ALERT!!!! Well actually there's two sibling rivalries in this book, but now we're getting into the main one between Ryder and Pete. It's another long one, so grab a blanket and some popcorn!

Chapter 8:

Pack mates, siblings and rivals.

It was around four o’clock in the afternoon; when Peter came into my room, and jumped on me. I was so tired from being out all night; I didn’t even bother to roll him off the edge of the bed,

        “So where did you get to last night, Sleeping Beauty? I got worried; when I picked the lock, and found you weren’t here. Mother was off her head; looking all over the village, when she found out you’d disappeared.” He laughed.

        “Where is she now?” I grumbled, through sheets and pillows.

“Posting lost daughter flyers all over the moor; from here to Plymouth, and even down as far as Cornwall. Last night; she was all round Brighton, and Bournemouth. She’s completely lost her mind, thinks you’ve run away because of grandmother passing. I told her she’s just being paranoid, but you know mother.” Peter babbled on; about how Jack and Old John have been trying to console her, to little avail and then eventually changed the subject. “There’s a friend of yours here to see you. He said something about a dagger.” That’s when I remembered; I had dropped my dagger when Alick threw me into the moon pool, I sat up and pushed peter off the bed.

“Get out of my room; Pete, I have to get dressed.” As much as I loved my brother; it was a fact most sincere, that the two of us found no delight in anything so much as annoying each other. Except; perhaps, watching DVDs all afternoon with giant bowls of popcorn, our favorite past time since we were old enough for solid foods. That was what today was; movie day, the one day of each month that Peter and I put aside annoying each other, and arguing like an old married couple.

Downstairs in the kitchen stood Bade; who presented me with my dagger, which I sheathed and concealed in the safest place I could find, before inviting him to join us for movies. Sadly he declined and said.

“I have to pay a family member a visit.”

“Werewolves have relatives?” I asked; while Peter was preoccupied with picking a movie we’d both agree on, “They always struck me as the solitary cold-blooded killer types.”

“You’re a werewolf and you have relatives.” He smirked; he had a point there.

“True.” I said, “So I’ll see you tonight then? Meet me at the cave, and we can go from there.” The two of us agreed; Bade kissed me sweetly, and left.

That’s when I turned to Peter; and said, “Hey Pete? Popcorn?” Pete rushed in from the living room; as I headed for the pantry, next thing I knew he had picked me up, and was spinning me around.

“Ultimate Butter!” he hollered excitedly; at which Tagger started barking, and bouncing around like a mad rabbit. I would miss these days; the feeling that Pete was always beside me, I wanted to tell him, but I was afraid of what he’d say.

“Okay, okay. Put me down Peter.” I whined; and Tagger stopped barking, but still wriggled all around the room, as though hoping it would start again. Peter put me back down on the cold flagstone tiles; and hugged me tightly, before heading back into the living room to pick a movie, allowing me to get the popcorn ready. I could hear a faint whisper in my head; that sounded like a conversation, between bade and a stranger.

“You had no right to turn the girl; brother, she was not yours in the first place.”

“Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do; half breed, She came to me. I did nothing; but what was necessary, to protect myself.” Said Bade’s smooth; wolfen voice, leading me to assume that he had taken his wolf form.

Ryder and the Wolf: The End Begins. (Book 1 Completed)Where stories live. Discover now