Chapter 2

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When Mr. Ishimaru finally pulled up in the driveway, he grabbed onto Ishimaru's hand and dragged him inside."O-Ouch!" Ishimaru gasped, as he was led to the basement by his father.

"There is something I need to tell you…!" Mr. Ishimaru managed to say, as he attempted to take Ishimaru down the stairs. "No one's home, and I expect you to walk down the stairs on your own."

Ishimaru did as he was told. The two situated themselves in a room never used, locked up with chains. Mr. Ishimaru sat down in the large office chair in the room that Ishimaru didn't even know they owned.

"Take a seat." Mr. Ishimaru offered, as Ishimaru sat down in the chair perpendicular from his father. Mr. Ishimaru folded his hands and placed them on the desk separating the two of them.

"Kiyotaka Ishimaru, my first and only son…" He began, "There is a topic I have never discussed with anyone about something that… I… No one knows about it, not even you. It's a classified topic that only I, and the securities all over the world know about."

Ishimaru was lost for words. "Is it about…"

"It is about you. I am sorry for not telling you sooner…"

There was a brief silence between the two, in case Ishimaru had anything to say.

"Anyhow, I believe it is time that you should know that secret well enough to recite it back to me word by word. The only reason why I made you practice those military techniques was to disguise and or guard this secret. It could spill any moment if not sealed away properly. Therefore, I will now explain to you another reason why it was required for you to know them. When you were… Younger, you were quite the crying type. Crying over things you did not need to cry for. You had a very unique personality, which I am glad for, yes, but that personality of yours came with a price. What that price was was to be kept away from any souls desperate ears. It was considered classified by the government, FBI, you name it. Today I received an urgent phone call, telling me that it was time for you to know the price behind your personality… Your personality was split, a rare condition for children, and now in a young man, to bear. The splitting of your personality was so… Fierce and destructive that it created another being inside you. I had to solidify you through those military trainings to lock up that other person for as long as possible. I do not know what that other being's name is, but we called this severe operation 'Operation Ishida.'; 'Ishida' standing for Indisputable Severe High-tech Individual Disorder Anatomy. I am sorry I could not tell you sooner. You are the one who bears the secret, after all."

Ishimaru was quaking with fear. "Th-This… Is too much…"

"I was afraid you were going to say that…" Mr. Ishimaru sighed and stood up from his chair. "I already have called the school in case 'Operation Ishida' makes its way into the school day." He tried to brighten up the mood, but to no avail. "Come, Kiyotaka Ishimaru. We can live our lives without the weight of carrying such a heavy secret on our shoulders." Ishimaru felt like the weight of everyone who knew about 'Operation Ishida' had been placed on his shoulders. He was struggling to seize shaking. Mr. Ishimaru assisted Ishimaru upstairs, looking back at him from time to time to make sure nothing had happened. This was the first time that Operation Ishida had been discussed with anyone since the day Kiyotaka Ishimaru was born. Was this secret going to be 'secret' for any longer? Or would severe measures need to be taken to forcefully keep it top secret?

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