Chapter 7

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The room was dark, as the moon shone its brightest at this time of distress. Ishimaru lied peacefully on the hospital bed, with no disturbances whatsoever. Or so he thought. As he was dreaming his gleeful dreams, he was disturbed by a dark image. He was dragged into a room, black floors and walls, and the only thing visible was himself. Ishimaru's eyes widened as he looked up in front of him, seeing what he thought was Mondo heading towards him with a blood stained knife. Yet, as he looked closer, there was something familiar with that knife… It was the blade which nearly took his life away from him."A-Aniki…!?" He managed to say through all his fear, as Mondo approached closer, bringing the point of the blade closer and closer towards his neck, poking the skin lightly. A large grin grew on Mondo's face, as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Hello, Ishimaru." He snarled, bringing the knife away, as he began to morph into another person. Ishimaru stared in horror, recognizing the voice only partly, seeing what he thought was Mondo turn into Ishida. "I-Ishida?! What do you want!?" Ishimaru stumbled with his words, curling into a ball below him. "I just wanted to catch you up on some jolly good news! That's all! Ahahaha!" Ishimaru stared wide eyed at him, remaining silent until Ishida was done laughing. "What… What is that… News?"

"The news is uh… Pretty brief I guess, yeah… Kirigiri has been given orders to go on an important mission, and I am going with her! Not. You."

"Secret mission? W-Why can't I come along instead of you? How can she know… To trust you…?"

"We are already thinking of a strategy, but I have a strategy of my own!" Ishida held out his hand towards Ishimaru, smirking. "Give me control." Ishimaru was astounded. "Eh?! Never! I'll never let you have control over me!""You have to at one point, and that one point is now! This mission is going to be lasting for a whole month and a half, and Kirigiri knows that I could be better incognito then you could ever be! Now, all I am asking for is control. Hand it over." Ishimaru protected himself with his arms, beginning to tremble lightly. "I told you I never will!" "You're making things more difficult than they have to be. I will protect you, I promise that one. You have to break the rules once in your life to get somewhere. This is for your own benefit, you know, and still, you refuse to listen." Ishida's words struck Ishimaru hard. "You're making a huge mistake… I said never!"

"I said NOW!" Ishida shouted, pouncing on top of him. Ishimaru let out a yelp, just as Ishida began slashing at him with the knife. "I said GIVE IT TO ME!" He complained, similar to the complaint of a child. Ishimaru tried his best to shove him off, hiding the 'key' to the control of the 'body'. The key is a spiritual item, which keeps Ishimaru the true owner of his body, even though he shares it from time to time with Ishida. If Ishida were to gain control of the 'key', he believed terrible things would happen. Would he die? Would Ishida replace him for good? Will he ever get back power after the mission Ishida brought up? All the questions whirring through his mind threw him off track, not realizing that Ishida had already found the key, even though Ishimaru was guarding it with his hand. "Ishimaru, I know it's in your hands. Don't play dumb with me, hand them over!"Ishimaru gulped and gave in. "Please guarantee me I will see Aniki again…" He whispered, putting his fist in which he kept the key in Ishida's palm. "Yeah, yeah. A month and a half, you can live." Ishimaru's shaky hands slowly unraveled themselves, having the key drop steadily into Ishida's hands, as an outburst of power flowed through him. "Ah! The day I have been waiting years for! You have made a wise decision to trust me!" He bellowed, looking down at Ishimaru as if he were nothing more than dust. Ishimaru felt himself grow weak, and took it as a sign that he could do nothing more. On the outside, Ishimaru's resting body soon altered into Ishida. Hair growing white and flames, flames, enveloping him. "AHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHA! This…! This power! The power to CONTROLLLLLLL!" Ishida had completely lost his sanity by this point, as Ishimaru stared up at him, watching Ishida grow taller, as he gained control. He nearly began to cry, as he slowly crawled away into nothing, Ishida doing the complete opposite.

On the outside world, Ishida's eyes forced themselves open, a wide devilish smile on his face. He let out a cackle of laughter, which sent the flames in all directions of the room, burning the entire hospital inside and out. His evil laughter echoed through the small city, as the roaring flame woke the citizens up with a shock. Kirigiri was one of them. She looked out her bedroom window, her eyes widening at the sight of the flames just miles past her house. She ran out the door, still wearing her night dress and slippers, and towards the hospital. Fire fighters soon came to the scene as she approached closer, doing their best to start taking out the flames. The roaring flames and the scorching heat made it just as worse and intimidating to be around, but Kirigiri knew that nothing in the hospital could have cause this large of destruction. In fact, she was woken up by Ishida laughing, which leads to the conclusion that it just had to be him. She felt like running in, but since she had no equipment on her, she had an idea. She snuck out to the fire truck and put on fire equipment over her night dress, running as fast as she could in the baggy outfit as she could. The firefighters were taking a long time to take out the fire; in fact, she didn't think the water would do much in this situation. Their best bet was for Ishida to stop it.

She ran into the hospital building, blanketed in flames. Down the hall she ran, until she came across the hall in which Ishida's room was located. "Ishida!" Kirigiri shouted at the top of her lungs, feeling the fire around her almost cool afterward. "Ishida, did you hear me? Stop this! It's causing havoc across the city!" She continued to run, determined to find the room in which he was located in. "This is too much for you!" She shouted once more, before she tripped into Ishida's room. Ishida lied there on the bed, sending the fire in pulses in all directions. He looked over at Kirigiri and smiled. "Look at how powerful I am now!"

"Ishida! Ishimaru's body cannot withstand that much heat! If you create anything more than you have now, you could end up destroying yourselves!"

"This is more than the heat of the earth's core! The atmosphere should be plummeting under my power!"

Kirigiri ran over to him and clamped her gloved hands on the sides of Ishida's face. "Listen to me. Seize the flames. Not even the fire fighters can take it out. It's… Too powerful for them…" "Too…" Ishida stuttered, as Kirigiri brought her lips to his. Ishida stared blankly at her, watching her pull back immediately. "Was that not convincing enough from me?" The fire began to seize. "Uh… U-Uh… Am I supposed to know the answer to that question..?" He squeaked nervously, as Kirigiri watched the flames fade away, almost as if they were apparitions (which indeed they were not). "Forget about it. I'll discuss more about the mission later, but before I get onto that, I have some explaining to do to the eager news reporters probably standing outside the hospital facility right about now." Kirigiri replied, and walked out of the room. She took off her fire fighter gear she supposedly borrowed, and walked outside.

As she walked out into the dark sky, people and reporters gasped, as flashes of lights from cameras blinded her vision. "Kyouko Kirigiri! Tell us about everything that you witnessed!" One reporter barged in. "We had technical difficulties with the equipment. Everything is fine now." Some people began discussing with one another how the flames mysteriously died out. Although the flames were so high and large in size, it would make it impossible for it to fade away just like that. People stared at Kirigiri, probably because she was in a night dress and had just run out of a blazed building with it on. News critics were already being recorded, as multiple bilingual broadcasts came to the scene as well. That's mysterious, not many bilingual news reporters come to such cases… Interesting. Kirigiri snuck back inside and dashed towards Ishida's room.

When she arrived, Ishida was sitting on the bed, doing absolutely nothing. "Kirigiri?" He spoke up. "There are bilingual news broadcasters outside. We haven't had such an even occur in years. If I were to make an estimation, the government or some other association must have assumed it was you, and spread the word. I find that hard to believe, however, and it is very unlikely." Ishida nodded. "Oh." "I'll tell you more when information comes, but for now, your best bet is to come with me. If they see you in here, who knows what they'll do, and the mission hasn't even been thoroughly introduced to you as of now!" Kirigiri grabbed onto Ishida's hand and ran around the back, towards her house. "The house may not be tidy, knowing my father… Make yourself comfortable, we'll be here for a while." She said as they approached closer towards the house. Ishida didn't respond, but kept running at her pace.

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