Chapter 8

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When they made themselves comfortable, Kirigiri walked out of her room, changed into her normal apparel. Ishida lied down on the sofa, doing absolutely nothing. “You can’t act as lazy as you are now during the mission, you do realize that.” Kirigiri spoke up, walking towards the sofa. “Yeah, I get that. So, what’s your plan?” He asked. “I haven’t thought it through thoroughly yet, but the idea I had in mind just might work. I can disguise you as my sibling of sorts, originating from the United States, so they would not know you. We do have to think of a plan to cancel out that aura, however… We might have difficulty with that…” “Yeah right! I can uh… Oh… I’ve never tried stopping it from- … DAAAAAAAAAAAMN!” Ishida kicked at the sofa. “Careful! Now, what we can do is practice, so when the day comes, you’ll be ready. Could you at least try to subside it?” Kirigiri asked, beginning to walk away. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll try. Where are you going?” Ishida retorted. “I’m going to my room to examine further on how my plan will turn out. You practice.” She walked away with that.

Ishida slapped the arm rest, and sat himself up. “I hope this is easier than it sounds…” He mumbled, trying to stop the aura by stressing himself. “Why isn’t it working?!” He yelled through clenched teeth, slouching back in exhaustion. “This is going to be hard…” He said to himself, turning around and yelling to Kirigiri. “Hey! This isn’t working!” “Try to calm yourself down. Stressing yourself will get you nowhere.” She replied. “Wh-….I… How did you know?!” He turned back around and closed his eyes. “Well this is embarrassing…” He complained. As predicted, the mist did begin to subside; however, it was because he was falling asleep. He attempted to keep himself awake by slapping himself across the face, which seemed to work. “Kirigiri! I did it!” He shouted, as the aura returned. “Damn!!! Never mind, false alarm!” Kirigiri walked out of her room and sat in front of Ishida on the coffee table. “What I’m thinking the trigger is is your pulse. Depending on how much adrenaline is being sent through your blood stream predicts how the aura is distributed.” She said. “I never thought of it that way…Huh.” Ishida replied, with a thoughtful tone in his voice. Kirigiri put her hand on Ishida’s wrist, and pressed two fingers down on the area in which one could feel a pulse. “Show me how you calmed yourself down, and we’ll go on from there.” Ishida closed his eyes once more, growing a bit hesitant over Kirigiri watching him.

“You can do better than this.” She spoke up, as Ishida’s eye twitched. Ishida pretended that Kirigiri wasn’t watching him, knowing that she was a detective and all; a Super High School Leveled one at that. He knew this is what detectives did, and that he would have to most likely overdo these procedures in the future. Kirigiri gave a light nod. “Perfect. Do you think you can keep your calamity at that minimum?” Ishida opened his eyes. “I can try.” “You can do it.” She stood up and grabbed some things she placed on the counter. It was a disguise. She walked back over to Ishida with the materials, and spread them out on the coffee table. She sat down next to him, pointing out the outfit. “This is what I was planning you would wear; typical native apparel for United State citizens. We might have to get contacts for your eyes, however. Red eyes are not something common from people in the United States.” “Isn’t it impossible to have red eyes or something?” He retorted, watching as Kirigiri placed the disguise on his lap. “I want you to try everything on to make sure it fits. I don’t want you wearing something that’s uncomfortable.” She said, directing him out of the room. “And you say your outfit’s comfortable?” He left the room with that, and went to try on the clothes. He walked back out into the living room, showing her that the clothes fit just fine.

“Perfect. I have the contacts. I see you put the wig on as well.” She noted, handing him a box of hazel-colored contacts. “Yeah, I just wanted to see how I looked in it.” He chuckled nervously; obviously what he said was a lie. “We’ll leave in the morning. Have everything packed up by that time.” She commanded, pointing to a suitcase she had prepared for him. “Remember, it’s a month and a half long mission; I don’t want you being stupid enough to leave something essential behind.” Ishida walked over to the suit case and sat down next to it, opening the box of contacts. “I heard these things hurt?” He said, looking up at Kirigiri. “They might; it takes a bit getting used to, but I think you can cope with it, can’t you?” He nodded at her, and slowly inserted the contacts. “That was easier than I thought! Now… What color are my eyes now?” Kirigiri walked over to him, bringing some of Ishimaru’s uniforms for him to pack. “They’re a hazel color.” She placed the uniforms onto the couch. Ishida put the uniforms into the suitcase, nodding at her. “And if they melt?”

“Melt? Do you think they would melt? They are designed to withstand any temperature.” Kirigiri replied in a bit of a startled tone. “That solved the question. Now, why am I packing his uniforms if I’m wearing a disguise? And how did you get these?!” He asked her, taking out the uniforms from the suitcases. “My mistake. Here.” Kirigiri handed Ishida multiple pairs of the uniform she had him try on. “That’s more like it!” He chuckled, putting them in the suitcase. Kirigiri left the room and began packing up her own things. Minutes later, the two of them met by the front door; Ishida in his disguise. They both gave each other a look and nodded. Kirigiri brought her hand to the door and opened it, walking outside with her rather petite-looking suitcase and Ishida with his monstrous one. “How much things did you pack?” She asked him, as they sat outside at the bus stop. “I packed some good stuff. I’m not telling you what it is, though! It’s a surprise!” He replied, grinning evilly.

Kirigiri rolled her eyes at him and stood up. “Bus is here.” She nearly shouted, walking onto the bus, Ishida tumbling behind her. The bus driver didn’t seem to notice how curious Ishida looked, which relieved the both of them. Kirigiri sat down on the far end of the bus; away from everyone else. “This was a good choice.” Ishida mumbled, leaning his head up against the window, closing his eyes. “You take the contacts out when you sleep.” She spoke up, not looking at him. “Eh?! You do?! That’s ridiculous!! Why!?!” Kirigiri chuckled. “I knew you were going to complain.” She placed her thumb on Ishida’s pressure point and pushed down harshly, getting a yelp out of him. “Don’t do that!!” He whined, putting his elbows on his knees and holding his chin up. “We’ll be at the office building before you know it. You have to keep vigilant; many people swarm the halls.” Kirigiri spoke up, as Ishida let out an irritated groan. He was going to swear, but he didn’t want Kirigiri to abuse him anymore than she already had.

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