Chapter 3

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The following day at school, Ishimaru was forced to stay with his classmates instead of monitoring the hall. The principal used the 'upgraded security' lie to force him out of his post. As everyone was having a grand old time with each other, he stood straight in the corner, not having any idea as to what they were doing. Mondo Oowada walked up to him, waking up to find his face stuck on the desk.

"H-Hey, Ishimaru." He said.

Ishimaru gave a salute, and nothing more. Oowada stood next to him, watching everyone else. "Yeah, I fell asleep over there. All their jibber jabber dozed me off."

Ishimaru stomped his foot. "Falling asleep in class is unacceptable, Oowada-kun! I expect better from you. Next time, it's a detention!"

Oowada laughed and walked back over to the crowd of people, who looked like they were taking pictures with Yamada's camera.

"Say anime!" Yamada would shout, as he would try to take a picture, with someone tackling over him to snatch the camera away.

"So many misbehaving students…" He said stressfully, frozen in position.

Naegi glanced over at Ishimaru and yelled, "Guys! Ishimaru's gonna blow!"

Everyone froze in their awkward positions, and looked over at Ishimaru. His concerned frown was forced, because on the inside, he was laughing like a complete dork. A loud glass shatter came from the far end of the hall randomly.

"It came from the entry way! Follow me!" Ishimaru shouted, running out of the classroom, his classmates following behind him in a cluster. Someone had broken in, and Ishimaru had not been on duty! This outraged him past his limits. "NO! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" He spazzed.

Mondo stared at him with one eyebrow raised. "Dude, you gotta calm down a notch."

That's when it happened. Ishimaru's guard was let down, boiled over with rage. His eyes blackened like charcoal, and a blue aura surrounded him completely. Alarms around the entire school went off, and some of the students covered their ears, as the people who broke in witnessed something they didn't want to witness. Now standing in front of them was the top secret classified being, otherwise known as Operation Ishida. Ishida's eyes were glowing red, hot red steam emitting from them at a boiling hot temperature. His hair was now as white as purity itself, but everything about Ishida was far from pure.

"WAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAA! I've waited SO LONG for this day to come!" He gave a little girly jump teasingly. Ishida looked over at the ones who have broken in and walked over to them, cornering them against the wall. "You come in my territory, you never get out." He growled at them, an evil smile crawling on his lips. Everyone just stared and watched, having no clue what to do now but remain calm and wait for help. Soon enough, Mr. Ishimaru pulled up in the school parking lot with thousands of thousands of FBI members, SWAT teams, and etcetera. Mr. Ishimaru stared at the school entry way, seeing the broken glass.

"Oh no…" He mumbled, his eyes growing watery. "No. No time for tears. Let's go!" He shouted at them, murmuring the first part to himself. They marched towards the school, which got Ishida's attention.

He tilted his head to the side. "Huh…? What… Ah heck, I got better stuff to do." He grabbed onto the necks of both of the trespassers with each hand, making them face each other. "I like to call this game, the Head Smasher! Ahahahah!" He brought his hands up farther up their necks, almost to their heads, and rammed both of them together like a cymbal. Cracks of their skulls echoed through the hallway, making everyone watching gasp in complete terror, as blood splattered all over the two individuals. Ishida dropped the two dead bodies without another word, and stood in front of the broken glass doors to the school, seeing the strange man leading in thousands of security men.

"Are you coming for the party!?" Ishida shouted at them jokingly. "You just missed it!"

A tranquilizing dart shot passed Ishida's head. He jumped away from it. "Haha! Missed me!" More darts were fired at him, and he surprisingly dodged every single one of them fired at him.

"Boys, seize fire!" Mr. Ishimaru shouted at everyone behind him. They held back their guns, and watched as Mr. Ishimaru approached the school, enough to make contact with Ishida. He placed his hands on Ishida's shoulders, and looked up at the crowded students in the back. "Kids, go outside. The FBI will lead you home." Everyone ran outside. Mondo looked at the father son moment and looked away almost immediately.

"No tears, Mondo. No tears. Not now…"

Mr. Ishimaru heard him mumble, but disregarded it entirely, and made his main focus Ishida. "And you are… Ishida?" He asked.

"Well hell yeah I am! Who did you expect? I mean, really?!"

"No need to get snappy with me. You know how you properly treat me. I am your father."

Ishida was greatly confused. "…No way, I won't believe it! We look nothing alike! Isn't that the whole point of human breeding?"

Mr. Ishimaru sighed, and dragged Ishida outside near a stretcher, pulling out a sleeping shot from his back pocket.

"You don't understand anything…" He shoved the needle into Ishida's shoulder, watching his eyes widen and the heat surrounding him decrease dramatically. He fell forward, only to be caught by Mr. Ishimaru, and was placed onto the stretcher and into the arrived ambulance. "Take him to my headquarters. I have some experimenting to do." He told the driver. The driver nodded and drove away with Ishida in the back on a stretcher. Mr. Ishimaru looked down, first watching the FBI lead the children home. He sighed once more.

"Goodness… Why did it have to be today that Ishida had to… Had to…" His tears had found an escape, and trailed down his cheeks. He sat down on the curb, covering his face with his hands. "After long years of not even bothering of his existence, today just has to be the day that he makes his first entry into the world…." He looked up and watched as the FBI and the SWAT teams drove off, leaving nothing but the disastrous school behind. "Might as well head to my headquarters." He spoke up, standing up from the curb and walking to his black van. He unlocked the car, hopped in, and drove off, questions filling his head about Ishida…

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