Chapter 11

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                The two of them stormed up the stairs leading up to the front door; Kirigiri swiping out the keys from her pocket and unlocking the door, letting Ishida go in first. He stood himself in the middle of the room near the ottoman; putting his left foot on top of it. “So? What’s up?” He spoke up, folding his arms somewhat. “My plan is now in action. We have six minutes until midnight. Can you believe a month has already gone by? I can’t either. I have four minutes to explain to you my plan; thirty seconds to contact Oowada- Just let me explain. You are going to take this knife,” Kirigiri handed Ishida a polished hunting knife that looked lethal to the point, “Hide behind the couch, and wait for Oowada to come to the door. I’m going to call him now—Shush, Ishida. Simply let me explain. We have no time for questions.” Ishida simply opened his mouth to echo back at her all that he had heard to make sure that this really was happening. “… And when I let him in, throw that knife for the kill; Jugular vein, to be exact. In the neck. When he falls, take the knife, hide the body from your sight, and run.” Kirigiri finished her explanation quickly and headed for the phone in the kitchen. Ishida chuckled. “I support this plan by all means.” Hearing his remark, Kirigiri smirked. Dialing the Gang Leader’s number, she spoke for a few seconds, and hung up. “Hide behind the couch! Now! There’s no time!” She commanded, rapidly pointing her finger at the couch. At that second, Ishida fell to one knee; flames fading.

“K…You… Dai…” The ‘thickness’ and etchiness of his voice was now replaced with Ishimaru’s pleas for mercy. Kirigiri went down on her knees and held his face in her hands. “I promise you; you will be reunited with him in just a few minutes.” In her attempts to calm Ishimaru down, Ishida’s hair slowly started to grow back to black. “Nononono…” She mumbled, nudging P.Y.R.O lightly with her knee. Flames grew back in his eyes, and the streaks of black were gone as if they were never there. “That was a close one…” He mumbled, hearing a knock at the door. “Ishida, it’s Oowada-kun! Hide behind the couch; you know the queue!” She hissed, standing up quickly and walking slowly to the door, as Ishida on the other hand jumped behind the couch and prepared his aim. Kirigiri gripped her hand on the doorknob and twisted it to the right.

“Oowada-kun. Good evening.” Mondo brought his hands out of his pockets; something he did while waiting would be putting his hands in his pockets. “Hey, Kirigiri. What’s up? You need help with somethin’?” He asked, not really knowing how to interact with her. At least he didn’t shout; what a relief for him. Shaking her head, she replied, “No, no. I simply wanted your company.” His face grew hot as Kirigiri opened the door to its brim, as Ishida aimed the blade for the neck. Kirigiri gave a nudge of her head as if to signal him to get on with it, and with that, a sharp blade darted from the back of the room through Mondo’s neck, as a splurt of blood escaped from his mouth and all over the area in which he was standing. Kirigiri pushed him down with her foot and Ishida jumped over the couch, running over to the dead body of Ishimaru’s ‘Kyoudai’.

“Haha… Hahaha! This is the best thing I’ve ever seen!!” Ishida said excitedly, pulling out the knife and examining the blood stained among it. “There’s a lotta blood on this thing…” He said to himself, taking a few steps back as Kirigiri attempted to move Mondo’s dead body away from the door and hopefully down the steps. But that would make an even bigger mess… Kirigiri looked down at her watch frantically, as it started ticking from 11:59. Only one minute was all she had to hide the body from his eyes. “Ishida… Run! Hide! Lock yourself up somewhere!!” She demanded. Ishida clenched his fists and shouted at her. That last part got him. “I am never locking myself up from anything ever again! I like it here, and I’m staying!”  At that final sentence, the bell tower struck midnight.

Ishida’s grip on the knife loosened to the point where it could have slipped out from his hands with ease. Kirigiri froze and looked up from her crouched position in trying to move the gang leader’s immobile hunk of flesh. “Ishida… No! Ishida!! Stay with me—“ Her sentence was stopped as she dashed from her position and over to the weakening boy. He was breathing heavily, and his hair again now started to grow black starting from the scalp. “Kirigiri…” He breathed, as she held onto his face once again, this time a bit closer. “You did so well on the mission, Kiyotaka Ishida. I am truly sorry for the delay of things… Let’s hope… Let’s pray Ishimaru doesn’t…” It was hard for her to fight back her tears; simply watching the flames grow into short sparks broke her heart. She pulled her lips to his and kissed him roughly, as Ishida did in return. His entire body went limp after he wrapped his arms around her neck, and his head bobbed down as if it were broken. Kirigiri sighed, lied his body down on the ground, and stood near the door; exactly where she was the minute Mondo was brutally murdered. Ishimaru’s body lied limp on the ground until he brought his arms closer to his body to sit up.

“Uuuu…U-Uuuuuu…” He whimpered, as he went to bring his hand up to his face. That’s when he noticed the knife he held; stained with fresh, crimson blood. He gasped lightly at first, then noticed the body that once belonged to his beloved kyoudai abused and destroyed on the ground. Disregarding Kirigiri’s presence entirely, he let out an ear shattering scream. “KYOUDAIIII!!!!” Ishimaru cried, watching as Kirigiri placed her foot above Mondo’s neck, stomping down and sending blood and guts everywhere. He let out a long, drawn out ‘no’, taking the knife in hand and slashing it at himself, right at the stitches that were used to cover up the scar tissue from P.Y.R.O. The organ pulsed madly, and at the same time, Ishimaru shoved his hand into the gap. Whining rather loudly, he gripped his fingers around P.Y.R.O tightly, yanking it out to the point where the cords connecting it snapped.

Everything in him began to burn, as did his fate, dignity, spirit, and soul. His eyes burned from the inside out, leaving nothing but nasty, black charcoaled empty eye sockets that only grew as his skin grew flakey and grey, like paper in a fire. With his opposite hand, he attempted to scream Kyoudai’s name once more, but his throat was done for; burnt and obliterated. Reaching out towards his kyoudai, he froze. Every operating organ and vein in his body had completely shut down. His skin was roasted and his appearance was one of a grim killing from a blazing scorch. Kirigiri approached him and brushed off a large portion of his cheek, exposing the now grey interior of his mouth. Everything was crackling from the impact of Ishida’s flames, as Kirigiri rubbed the sizzled skin through her fingers, watching it fall to the ground like snow. She then pulled P.Y.R.O out of Ishimaru’s death grip, pulling off all fingers latched onto it in the process. She plucked them off one by one and dropped them to the ground, holding P.Y.R.O close and walking out of her house. 

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