Chapter 10

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The two of them had traveled off to a far enough distance from the one office building; where P.Y.R.O was discovered. That facility now had a large reputation in this whole operation: Operation I.S.H.I.D.A. Kirigiri walked with Ishida at her side; not bothering to look at the rather homey atmosphere around them. Children were playing outside, families were having barbecues; it was a rather normal environment. She thought that it would be good for the two of them to calm down, especially after the sudden surgical procedure on P.Y.R.O. “If this is where the mission is gonna take place-“ “No, Ishida. I came here for the both of us to cool down. The flames in your eyes… They’ve been changing color.” Kirigiri sat him down on the closest bench; watching Ishida blink a few times trying to process what was happening.

“Eh?” Kirigiri sighed at his questioning. “They’ve been very strong… Your emotions must be very chaotic. The flames have been blue since we’ve left the facility. Would you… Tell me what is on your mind?” Ishida’s eyes widened. How could they change color? Did she know something he didn’t? “There has been… One thing on my mind. But it’s nothin’. It’s just personal stuff…” He folded his arms and looked off to the side; the flames changing from red to blue. “It has to be more than that if it’s affecting the flames. Confide in me, Ishida.” Indeed, she did care for him. She wanted him to feel as safe and secure as possible. She could only imagine what he could be feeling. “I heard the nurses… Sayin’ bull ‘bout me… I actually believe them… I am a mistake…” His bottom lip quivered. “Well, I can’t exactly say I don’t agree with you, because I do. You are one of the largest economical issues Japan has ever come to bear. Being the split personality of the grandson of Toranosuke Ishimaru, you have indeed given the whole country of Japan a terrible insight on the severity of such splits as personality. I cannot say anything about your past, since I have only met you recently. You would know better than I would. You have to live inside Ishimaru your entire life; and still do to this day. Think, Ishida. Think of all the terrible things you have done just by being in existence. The world wants you gone. You have committed enough crimes in your lifetime, and you haven’t even made it out of school! You killed you father, who knows what you could have done to Ishimaru or even the remaining of you family!”

Kirigiri scolded him, as the memories from his past washed through his mind like a tsunami. From the minute of Ishimaru’s birth, Ishida was there. He was the one they didn’t know about. He was the one never acknowledge away from his mother. His mother was the only one who would ever call him by name; know the differences between Ishimaru and his personality. In elementary school, whenever Ishimaru was picked on, Ishida would kick their asses for him; kill them off, because he could. Ishida was the one who dressed up as a gothic the day of picture day in the fourth grade, and it made it into the yearbook; thinking Ishimaru simply went through a ‘phase’. He remembered hating Mondo, and how he punched the gang leader across the face; breaking his jaw. Then there was that day that he was frozen by Mr. Ishimaru; forced to sleep for the rest of eternity. This sure did sound like a déjà vu from a stupid storybook, but Mr. Ishimaru used specific freezing materials to keep Ishida at bay. He was the only one who knew about P.Y.R.O and how it stored the power of Ishida. Then… There was that day; the day he found his true form. He looked completely different from Ishimaru, and finally, finally you could tell the two of them apart. His eyes were blazing with fire, simply from P.Y.R.O burning through the layered ice. His hair was stark white, as well as his eyebrows, which were a fine touch. Even if he did still have the body of the hall monitor, at least now you could tell them apart. At that thought, everything was ripping at the barrier he had up to tone down his emotions. Each thought sent jab after jab of impact. He could literally feel it expanding to the point where the back of his throat began to burn. Voices in his head started playing of simple phrases he heard about his existence such as the sentence Mr. Ishimaru shouted moments before Ishida killed him, past threats from officials, and even the recent notes from the nurses. Everything was colliding together to form the biggest tantrum of tears Ishida would ever have.

“Kiyotaka Ishida. We have twenty nine more days left. Twenty nine days of carrying the thought that no one wants you. No one wants you alive; nor Ishimaru. They want you gone; out of society.” At Kirigiri’s final sentence, Ishida burst. Tears flooded from his eyes like a broken pipe, as he sobbed loudly. “Uwaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!” Kirigiri put a hand on his shoulder. “There there… It’s alright. Let it all out.” He slapped his hands over his eyes and cried. “I’m a mistake…! I’m not like everyone else, I… …” He tried to keep his composure as he spoke, but only let out a wail of tears. “You are simply the worst.” She retorted. “That isn’t helping at all! I just want to be like the rest of you…! I…!” Kirigiri simply watched him let out all his tears, until his sobs went quiet, and his tears soaked back into his eyes. That sadness was now pure rage. Everyone and everything around him froze, looking at him in terror at the scene he was making. They all turned to him when he screamed, but now they were afraid. Foam drooled from the side of Ishida’s mouth, as he moved his hands down from his eyes. His hands began to glow red, and soon burst into roaring flames of frustration. Even though it was noon, Ishida was noticeable from miles away. His growling was vicious, and the growling he made had everyone scared for their lives. Kirigiri continued not to speak, but simply let him spill out his emotions.

Ishida was never the one who would remain sad. If he ever was, it would quickly turn to anger, as such. Kirigiri surprisingly kept him down, by trying to rub his lower right abdomen, in which P.Y.R.O was located. He continued to growl, and let the entire supply of foam run from his mouth. “I did not mean any of it in an offensive way. I simply-“ Ishida punched her eye, as something unexpected flew out. Sparks went out instantly at the hard compact; leaving a hole of wiring and gears exposed. Kirigiri gasped loudly, and covered her eye. “Ishida!!” Ishida stared in disbelief. “This is a dream… I don’t wanna do this anymore! Get me out!!” Kirigiri then pinched Ishida where the stitches were, watching him jump up, squeak, and soon begin to ferociously growl. “DON’T.” He snarled, his fist lighting up in flames once more. The people’s attention was then drawn away, as if nothing bad had happened. People nowadays… They must not have known that Ishida was there. They probably assumed it was a figment of their imagination, or a drill from one of the big security businesses. “It must be very sensitive, P.Y.R.O…” Ishida huffed, and folded his arms. “No shit.” “Ishida, all we have done here has made a large catastrophe; at least, between the both of us. We must continue on. Or do you wish to give Ishimaru control back?” Kirigiri was planning a trap. A trap that she knew Ishida would be easily lured in to. She was going to talk him into killing Mondo Oowada; Kiyotaka Ishimaru’s only friend. Ishida would most likely do anything for attention, and if she lured him in just enough and to the point, her plan would go just as predicted.

“That’s…,” He sniffed. “That’s not a bad idea… I’ll do it.” That was easier than she thought. “Wonderful. Let us go back to my place. I’ll explain the plan once we get there.” She stood up, and helped Ishida up in the process by holding out her hand and pulling him up. He walked by her side; Kirigiri holding his hand and him holding her hand in return. They proceeded on towards Kirigiri’s house and got ready to put Kirigiri’s somewhat ‘genius’ plan to action.

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