Chapter 6

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Before Mondo even stepped foot into the school, Kirigiri met up with him, coming up from behind him and tripping him forward. Mondo let out a strange yelp and landed on the concrete, his hair saving his face. "KIRIGIRI! That was not cool!"

"You went to the hospital when I told you not to, didn't you?"

Mondo was silent for a while, trying to think of a lie to get him past Kirigiri's questions. "N-No! I went back home to uh… Get something!" "Then how come I received a call saying that Ishimaru already had one visitor?" He winced back in utter shock. "They saw me?!" "Apparently so. You need to learn to hide more sufficiently if you ever plan to sneak into a hospital." Kirigiri walked in front of Mondo, and led him into the school."Everything's been disastrous ever since you left.""I was only gone for forty five minutes! What could possibly go wrong in that short amount of time?!" As he looked around the hallway, he saw Leon and Togami fighting in the hallway.

"I would be a totally better hall monitor than you would be! You would just stand around and read your gently caressing books!" Leon shouted, as he attempted to punch Togami. "A lowly one as yourself wouldn't stand a chance in this post. Therefore, I should and will be a superior hall monitor." He said in the most content voice he could muster in this situation. Mondo stared, as Kirigiri went to separate them. "You boys are getting a bit too festive over a simple post. There will be no hall monitor until Ishimaru recovers." She commanded, shoving the both of them in different directions. Both Togami and Leon took separate paths, looking back at each other from time to time as they walked away.

Kirigiri's attention was now focused back on Mondo, as she walked over to him and led him into a secret room. She signaled him to sit down, and he did so. She did so after him, sighing. "Please, tell me all that happened at the hospital. Every single detail, do not leave anything out." Mondo put his feet up on the desk, not concerning Kirigiri one bit, since she knew he would do something like that soon enough.

"Well, it was kinda dramatic at some parts, but I walked into the hospital and walked up to that front desk lady? Whatever you call them,"

"Receptionists." She barged in.

"Yeah, the receptionist, and I asked if I could see Ishimaru in like the nicest tone of voice I could possibly do, but then she said he couldn't be visited because of his condition, similar to what you said, then I knocked her out. That part was fun, but seeing Ishimaru… Oh god, I can't even… Back in Ishimaru's room, he really was in a coma, you weren't lying about that…"

"I have one thing to add. One of the reasons that led up to him going into a coma was probably because he was forced to change into Ishida during the time of the stab. After that, it must have been so much pressure on the both of them, that their bodies didn't know who had taken the previous damage, immediately putting him into a coma, almost like a shut down. Do you understand? Carry on."

"Yeah, so then I had a brief moment with him, some tears were shed, but nothing to serious, then Tsumiki came in. Apparently, she's some really good nurse and she told Ishimaru what had… Happened to his father…"

"You heard? Speak up."

"His father's head had been decapitated. That's all I know."

"Interesting… I wonder who could have been behind that… I guess I'll ask Ishida when I go visit him."

"They said that he was open to visitors, so that was nice."

Kirigiri immediately stood up from the chair and proceeded out of the room. "I'm going to visit him. You stay in school before you get into any more trouble." Were her final words to Mondo before she closed the door behind her.

Kirigiri walked outside, and hopped into a taxi along the side. She told the driver that she had a desperate appointment at the hospital, telling the driver that he had to get her there fast. They zoomed across the street and to the hospital, where the driver dropped her off and drove away. Kirigiri walked inside, looking around. She saw Tsumiki at the reception post, and walked over to her. "Tsumiki, I am here to visit Kiyotaka Ishimaru." Tsumiki looked up. "Ah. Yes, yes. Come with me." She took her clipboard in her right hand and led her to a stray room, where Ishimaru lied inside. Tsumiki opened the door and let Kirigiri in, not even bothering to stay longer. Ishimaru turned his head towards the direction of the door and remained silent.

"Ishimaru, it's me. Kyouko Kirigiri." She said, walking over past the covers to see Ishimaru in his current state. He was unable to get up, and he didn't dare to move, thinking it would inflict pain.

"Greetings, Kirigiri…! How are you?"

"I am wonderful, thank you." She replied, sitting down on a chair beside him. "How is your wound?"

"My… Wound? Oh! Right! I… Haven't checked on it… Was I supposed to?"

Kirigiri grinned, "You didn't have to, I was just curious. Here, you don't mind if I unbutton your shirt, do you? It's the only way I can have a full look at the wound."

Ishimaru's face went red. "Y-You really… Need to do that?" Kirigiri stood up and pulled away the covers. She didn't say anything more, and went straight to unbuttoning his shirt. Ishimaru watched her wide eyed, as she made her way down to the location in which he was stabbed by his father. She pressed down on it lightly in different locations, watching him cringe.

"It's mildly swollen, but that can be fixed." Ishimaru didn't respond. "Tsumiki did a phenomenal job with the stitching. You know, your father stabbed through an organ that is considered irreplaceable when harmed. It's a miracle you're still alive. Yet, I believe you may suffer from brief medical disorders from now on. If it wasn't for Ishida making himself present, you would have died. Along with Ishida."

"I-I see…"

Kirigiri began to button back up Ishimaru's shirt, so he didn't have to feel so exposed in front of her. "Do you mind if I have a quick word with Ishida?"

"Ishida?! I… I don't know… I don't know how it works with him, it…"

"It's complicated, I can imagine. Just let him hear me, and everything will fall into place." Kirigiri placed her hands over Ishimaru's eyes, preventing him from seeing anything, leaving him in darkness, which was her intention. "Ishida, I have something to talk to you about. It is a top secret mission I have been given, and assigned partners with. I will tell you who it includes if you expose yourself to me." Ishimaru's hair slowly grew white. Kirigiri moved her hands away, seeing Ishida's glowing red eyes dart about the room.

"Hospital. Got it." Ishida turned to look at her. "As you were saying?"

"As I was saying, the mission partners include just me and you. No one else. But we need to find a way for you to disguise yourself, your white hair and the red aura coming from your eyes is definitely worth getting suspicious over. I was thinking about… Possibly bringing Ishimaru to disguise you, but that would make things too… Difficult. You two need to learn to get along with each other. You are indeed one in the same."

"Whoa whoa whoa! Way too many things to remember, here! You're saying that your mission has to include me, I have to go incognito, and I have to learn to be nice to the hall monitor?! I don't think so!"

"Please, Ishida! Let me speak. There's one way… One way that you two could separate… But-"

"THAT'S POSSIBLE?! That's the best news I've ever heard in my entire existence!"

"Listen to me! The only reason why I bring this up is because someone out there where we are heading might lure you into their trap, and use you for their own devilish plots. I, and we, don't want to use you. Besides, if you two were to separate, one thing would be missing from the both of you, both mentally and probably even medically, due to stability."

"Mmhm… I get it… Good things come with one hell of consequences."

"Exactly, now, are you in?"


Kirigiri walked towards the door. "Good. Now, tell Ishimaru everything I told you, so he knows the way things will work for the next month and a half."

A devilish smile grew on Ishida's face. "You can count on me…!" He growled, as he stared back up at the ceiling, hearing Kirigiri walk out of the room and close the door. "This will be fun!" He taunted, and closed his eyes.

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