Chapter 4

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The many sirens scared away almost everyone, making them evacuate to their houses. Mr. Ishimaru followed behind them, which intimidated everyone near. They recognized that this situation was of upmost importance, and were deciphering over what it might be about. When the trucks and ambulances reached Mr. Ishimaru’s headquarters, they immediately dragged out Ishida on the cot he was on, rushing in through the doors. Mr. Ishimaru slowly got out of his car, putting on his sunglasses, even though it was night. He slowly followed in after everyone. Throughout the world, people were tuning in to the local news channel, where the president would make an important speech. The channel was unavailable anytime else. To their surprise, an urgent warning appeared on the screen. It said, “The secret services across the globe have now officially uncovered the mutatious antibody in existence.” In the normal broadcasted voice for tornado watches and warnings. The president then appeared on the screen shortly after, broadcasting live from the White House. He tapped the microphone a few times, but didn’t officially start his speech. Back at the headquarters, Mr. Ishimaru had already figured out that the information had been told to the President of the United States.

“It’s gotten there, but not here…” He mumbled to himself, walking into the room where every FBI member surrounded Mr. Ishimaru’s son hesitantly.

“He’s not going to lash out at us, is he?” One worried member asked.

“Of course not. I have raised Kiyotaka well enough to never do something so rambunctious.” He spat out, making his way through the center aisle and to his son’s side. He placed a cold hand on his son’s heart, remaining silent. “Boys, I want you to contact the president. Tell him that I’m ready. We’re all ready.” Mr. Ishimaru spoke up, his teeth chattering with anxiety. One man saluted him, and walked over to the phone. Back at the White House, the President leaned in towards the microphone.

“Citizens of America and all around the world. Today I gather you all here to announce an important message. In Japan, Mister Ishimaru has now made known that his project has been unleashed and exposed to the public.” Brief gasps could be heard from the crowds, as the men in the room, along with Mr. Ishimaru, stared up at the T.V. “This project is known as Operation Ishida. This being is known to be very dangerous. No word has been said if it is contagious to ‘clean’ beings, but be on the lookout for anything suspicious. Thank you.” The President left the stand and walked away. The T.V was shut off, and there was a silence in the room.

“…Everyone. Leave.” Mr. Ishimaru demanded. The men flooded out of the room, leaving the two behind. Ishida was still knocked out, only showing signs of consciousness through the red mist around his eyes. Mr. Ishimaru sat him up and watched as Ishida’s eyes opened like one of those dolls that open its eyes every time you sit it upright. Ishida’s white hair soon faded to black, the mist canceling out completely. “F-Father..?” He muttered, watching his father stand up and gloomily walk over to a locked up cabinet. Ishimaru stood up after him.“A-Are you… Avoiding me…?” He dared to ask.

“Kiyotaka, I would never avoid you. I would avoid Ishida.” His father replied darkly, swinging a large AK47 out of the cabinet.

Ishimaru squeaked. “W…What are you planning to do with that?!”

“Did I stutter? I’m going to destroy you with it.” Ishimaru’s eyes widened at his father’s words. He wasn’t alright. Tears flooded his eyes, making his vision blurry, which was not good in this situation. “You’re treating me like a monster!!” He cried.

“That’s because you are one.” He retorted. Mr. Ishimaru shot the weapon at his son, only for Ishimaru to dodge it completely by doing a front flip over it. “You taught me more than just stability, father.” Ishimaru mustered.

Mr. Ishimaru was silent for a while before he grabbed a knife from the cabinet. “I’ve had enough of you, Kiyotaka. Enough of your problems, enough of you!” He shouted. He lashed towards Ishimaru, holding the knife out in front of him, as if he were to stab his only son.

“Father! Stop this!!” He screeched, as the knife got shoved into his stomach. Mr. Ishimaru dug the knife further into him, as the thick crimson blood gushed over his hands. Just feeling the sensation made him blissful. A devilish smirk had grown on his face, as Ishimaru’s face grew pale, and his blood soaked into his uniform, as his father forced more blood out of him. The amount of blood lost was so massive, that it had pooled around the both of them like a rain puddle. Mr. Ishimaru thrust the knife out, watching as Ishimaru stumbled back and collapsed.

“Ha…. Hahaha… AHAHAHAHA!!!” Mr. Ishimaru bellowed, as Ishimaru lied there, lying in his own flesh. Mr. Ishimaru turned around to leave, but just then, Ishimaru shot up. It wasn’t Ishimaru in control anymore, it was Ishida. He was supposed to be dead, but no. He refused to think that of himself. He staggered towards Mr. Ishimaru, breathing deeply. “You…” He growled.

Mr. Ishimaru turned around and gasped at the sight. “Y-You’re still alive?! Impossible!!” He screamed.

Ishida snatched the knife from him and examined it closely. “I-Is this…My treat?” He asked, being sarcastic, of course. “Because this isn’t enough for me…!” With the knife, he slashed at Mr. Ishimaru’s neck, decapitating it entirely. Ishida watched the head fall to the floor with a splat, and shoved the knife into the cut off neck portion of the body, falling down with it as it lost balance. As he took out the knife from the neck portion, Ishida licked away the blood from the knife slowly, smiling evilly. “Mmmmhmhmhmhm… Tasty.” He chuckled, as he stood up and limped as far as he could out of the room, leaving the body behind.

As Ishida was walking away, he suddenly fell onto one knee. “Oh god…” He mumbled, as he witnessed his vision grow blurry. “Now it’s happening? Dear lord…” Out of the blue, he heard footsteps approach him. It sounded like feminine boots clicking against the floor. Who could it have been? Mr. Ishimaru never hired females, yet, the facility was shared with someone else he had known: Mr. Kirigiri. It must have been Kyouko. Kyouko Kirigiri, it couldn't have been anyone else. Kirigiri turned the halls, and saw the limping body trying its hardest to move further. She took slow cautious steps towards it, only to find out that it was Ishimaru from school. Impossible! He had white hair and gleaming, burning red eyes! That’s when it hit her. Before her was the top secret classified operation: Operation I.S.H.I.D.A. She knelt down in front of him and noticed that one of his hands was covering his stomach, yet, blood was seeping from between his fingers.

“Give me your hands.” She breathed, as Ishida weakly did as he was told. She gasped lightly at the sight of his stomach, feeling Ishida’s body immediately go limp on her. She wrapped her arms around him and sat him up against the wall. “If anyone sees you, they’re not going to be pleased.” She said worryingly, examining the wound and trying her best to stop the bleeding. “Whoever did this to you did pretty sophisticated damage…” She said to herself, and lifted him up in a bridal fashion, staring down at the being in her arms. “Ishida…” She murmured, before she ran off for the infirmary.

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