He Walks In While You're Changing

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Drew: "Get up Y/N! You're going to the studio with me today!" Drew shook you, waking you up. "How did you get in here?" You mumble, pushing yourself up. "Your mom let me in." he shrugged. Soon, you were up, making Drew leave your room, so you could change. Not even five minutes past, and you hear your bedroom door open. "How long does- oh sorry." He says, making his way over to your bed to sit down. "I didn't invite you to watch!" You giggle. "Well, you're beautiful. And I'm staying." He compliments you. You finally finish, walking outside to Drew's car. "That was a good sight to see in the morning." He whispers in your ear, giving you a kiss on the cheek.

Wesley: You had slept over at your boyfriend, Wesley's house. Waking up, you realize, Wes is still fast asleep. You quietly wiggle out of his grip, grabbing a outfit for the day. Slipping your shirt off, you hear a grumble from behind you. Thinking it's just him moving in his sleep, you keep changing. "This, is a nice sight to wake up to." He mentions. You smirk, starting to dress tantalizingly slow. He groans, making your plan a success. Turning around, you walk over to Wes to give him a kiss, "Good morning, baby." Yo pull away, only for you to be pulled down on top of him, "I see what you did there." He whispers into your lips. "You tease." "Well, you weren't supposed to wake up yet!" you giggle. "Now you have to fix this problem." He motions to his crotch, where he had a case of morning wood

Keaton: You were currently on your laptop, Tumblr, to be exact, when you're phone rang. Looking at the caller ID, you answer. "Hey, babe, date night at Lobster Shack? 45 minutes?" He asked. "Sure thing, Keats. You giggle at his sudden confidence. Blaring your music in your room, you walk to your closet choosing an outfit. 45 minutes later Keaton rings the doorbell. Running downstairs with your hair in a bun and a sports bra on, because you were running late. "Wait here, I'll down in, like, 5 minutes." You say, pushing him to the living room couch. 5 minutes pass, andd you still weren't done. "Oh my God, You almost do-oh my bad. I'm going to leave. Bye." he awkwardly says. You laugh and pull the rest of your shirt over your head. Walking to the door, you open it d=to see a blushing Keaton. "Sorry about that." He says. "No, don't apologize about it, I was running late." "Just an FYI, you're gorgeous."

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