Keaton Imagine

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"You wanna stop for ice cream?" You and Keaton had been spending a lot of time together lately. You had recently become from friends after meeting on one of his band’s video shoots. You smiled at him and said, “Yeah, of course." He grinned and looked at ground, moving closer and closer towards you until your arms were brushing.

You thought he had been acting a bit strange this week. In fact, he had been acting differently all week. He seemed to be dropping little hints that he had a crush on you, which was great because you had a huge crush on him.

You two walked into the ice cream parlour and went to the end of the line. You shivered. “You cold, beautiful? Here, take my jacket," he said, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around your smaller frame. You blushed and spoke quietly, “Did you just call me beautiful?" He opened his mouth to answer, but was cut off by someone calling out his name.

"Keaton! Y/N! Isn’t it crazy to see you two here together? And look, I have Keaton’s guitar! Wouldn’t it be crazy if he was going to perform some crazy, romantic gesture and serenade you right here in the ice cream shop?" You turned around to see Keaton’s best friend, Tyler. “Well he kinda ruined the surprise," Keaton muttered under his breath.

You laughed as Keaton took your hand, leading you to an empty table, and then sat on a stool with his guitar in the middle of the shop. He looked straight into your eyes before saying, “Y/N, I know we haven’t know each other for too long, but I really like you, and I want you to be mine. So…. I’m gonna sing… To you. Sorry, I’m a little nervous." He was stuttering and blushing, but when he played the first note of the song, he became his true self: passionate, confident, talented, and truly amazing.

To your surprise he sang an acoustic version of ‘Boyfriend’ by Justin Bieber. After he was done, you walked right up to him and softly brushed your lips against his. “That was amazing, Keaton. Thank you," you said softly. He grabbed your waist and kissed you deeply. “You’re amazing. You’re so beautiful, and smart, and positive. Your smile makes me want to smile, and your laugh makes me happy when I’m feeling down. Please by my girlfriend, Y/N. I promise to protect you and make you happy everyday and to care for you." You smiled. “I’m yours, Keaton. I like you a lot, so of course I’ll be your girlfriend," you replied. He kissed you again, and that was the start of your perfect relationship. :)

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