You're Pregnant

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Drew: You hadn’t heard from Drew in days, not since you told him that you were pregnant. For some reason you had actually believed that he would be happy to hear the news, that he would be excited to know that you two had created something special together, and you had never imagined that his reaction would be as it was. You had watched his face turn white as he listened to your words and there was nothing but shock in his eyes. Then he left you, without saying a word, and he hadn’t called you since then. A tear fell down on the floor. I can’t break down now, I have to stay strong, stay strong for my baby. Even if Drew didn’t want to be a part of your life anymore, you were determined to do this, to take care of the baby by yourself; you knew you could do it. You heard the doorbell ring and you quickly pulled yourself together as you opened the door to find Drew standing there. He smiled nervously at you and you could see a bouquet of red roses in his right hand. “What do you want” you said without returning his smile that slowly faded away. “I just came to tell you that I’m so sorry for being an idiot before and I want you to know that…I want to do this with you, I want to raise our child together with you” all you could see was love in his eyes as he looked at you and you knew that he was telling the truth, but you weren’t going to forgive him that easily. “Thank you but we can do this by ourselves” you said and put a hand on your stomach as you began to close the door. “NO WAIT!” Drew stopped you from closing it and stepped into your house. “I know that you’re mad at me for just leaving you and I can’t describe how mad I am at myself right now. I was just so scared when I realized that my life was about to change completely but now I know that I really want to do this, I want us to be a family. I love you Y/N so much and I love this baby with my whole heart, I’m not going to leave you again, I promise” he looked at you with pleading eyes and you couldn’t help but smiling at him as you walked into his arms and let him hold you, ready to start this new life together.

Keaton: “I can’t believe that we’re actually having a baby!” Keaton said and you could see in his eyes how excited he was. “I will teach her how to skateboard, and surf, and play guitar” he couldn’t stop smiling as he talked. “How do you know it’s a girl?” you said and looked at him. “I don’t know, I just know it…if that makes sense?” you laughed a little “No, but I trust you” you put your head against his chest as you were lying in bed and he put his arm around you. “Maybe she’ll be a good singer and then she can start a band with Drew and Wesley’s future children. They can call themselves ‘Symbol3’ and join The X-Factor” you laughed and pulled yourself closer to him. “Or maybe she wants to do something completely different, like become a teacher or something, that’s good too or what do you think?” he looked at you and you smiled at him. “I think you think a little too much” he laughed and kissed your forehead. “I know but I’m just so excited, this is the best thing that has ever happened to me…except when I met you of course. I know that I shouldn’t be this happy since I’m only 17 but I know that I can do this, that we can do this and I’m so grateful for everything” you lifted your head and he kissed your lips softly. “I knew when I first met you, that you were the one and that I wanted to start a family with you and I just can’t believe that my biggest dream is coming true; that we will be together forever now. I love you so much Y/N and I will always do that” you could feel a few tears of joy on your cheeks and you whispered: “I love you too Keaton”. His grip around your waist tightened and you rested your head on his chest as he stroked your hair. You lied like that in what felt like hours and just when you were about to fall asleep, you heard Keaton saying: “We have to buy her a kitten”. You smiled, knowing that this is the man you want to spend the rest of your life with.

Wes: Today it was almost exactly 6 months since that night you had spent with Wesley at his hotel room. You had met him at a club and you had danced almost the whole night until you went to his room. It had all been a big mistake. You had both been very drunk and you hadn’t been able to control your feelings at the moment, otherwise you wouldn’t have done it since you already had a boyfriend back then, you knew that you wouldn’t…or? You had sneaked out of the hotel room in the morning without saying a word to the sleeping young man beside you because you wanted to pretend that the night had never happened. However, the damage had already been done and now you were sitting at a café, six months pregnant and all alone. Your boyfriend had left you when he found out that you were with child because he immediately knew that you had been cheating on him since you two hadn’t slept together yet. You sighed as you thought about your miserable life and took a sip of your coffee. Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder and you heard a familiar voice talking to you: “Hey Y/N, how are you?” you looked up and almost choked at the sight of the man standing next to you. “Don’t you remember me?” Wesley said and gave you his million-dollar smile. You didn’t respond; you just looked at him in shock as you tried to collect your thoughts. What is he doing here? Why is he talking to me? How can he remember me? “So what have you been up to this half year” he kept smiling at you and you knew that you had to give him an answer. “Well…nothing much…” you said and prayed that he wouldn’t see your belly, but of course this is exactly what happens next. His smile faded a little. “Oh…I see you’re having a baby” you nodded as you tried to avoid eye contact with him. “So, where is your boyfriend?” he said and you didn’t know what to say, you just sat there without saying a word. You could hear how he was taking a deep breath before he said the words you knew he would and when he talked, you could hear how his voice was trembling a little: “How many months?” “Six” you whispered and he quickly sat down on the chair in front of you, as for preventing him from collapsing on the floor. “Is it me?” he said and you nodded, without looking at him. “Oh fuck” he said and you could feel a surge of anger boiling up inside you: “You don’t even have to do anything; I’ll do this all by myself. You can go back to being a superstar and bringing girls back to your hotel rooms but this time, think about using condoms” you began to walk away from the table when you felt his grip around your wrist. “No, don’t go! I’m sorry, I’m just a bit confused right now but this is my responsibility too and I’ll…be here for you. I know we’re not together or anything but I won’t leave my…my baby” you lifted your head and when your eyes met, you could feel sparks flying between you. “Thank you” you whispered and smiled a little. “And by the way, I have never brought some girls back to my hotel rooms, except… when I met you”.

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