Preference:He's with you when you break a bone

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Another preference idea from Crazy_Carrot_Lover84 the winner of my first contest.~P


We were at the park on the playground be kids as we are. I went on the swing set. I was swinging high when my hand slipped and I fell off the swing and on the ground. I heard a crack and tried to moved my arm but it hurt when I did. Keaton came over and helped me up. He asked" You ok?" I said" No I think I broke my arm." He picked me up for no reason and ran to the car. He put me down on the passenger seat and buckled me in.  We drove to the hospital and we ran to the front desk. The nurse said" Can I help you?" I said" I think I broke my arm and I need it to be checked out please." She said" Right this way." She showed me to a room and said" The doctor will be here soon." I nodded and laid down on the hospital bed. Keaton took my good hand and said" Im here for you." I smiled and said" I love you." He kissed me and said" I love you too." The doctor walked in and said" How are today Miss. Y/L/N." I said" Good not in to much pain mostly it feels numb." He said" Ok let me see your arm." I carefully and painfully moved my arm so he could see. He said" Well that looks broken since its swelling and I can see the bone poking the skin. I am going to have to take x-rays then move the bone in position." I nodded nervous and scared. Keaton still held my hand through everything. I was finished with all that and now I get to pick the color of my cast. I went and picked T/C/C (the cast color). We walked out after a couple more x-rays and drove home. From that he took care of me till my cast fully healed.


 I was at cheerleading practice and we had to make a pyramid. I had to be on the top. So when we got finished. One of the girls sneezed which the girl was the one that was holing me so she let go of my leg to wipe her nose. I lost my balance and fell back word and landed on my leg. My leg was in so much pain. I looked up and saw Wesley running to me. He said " Someone call an ambulance." One of my friends called the ambulance and in a few minutes they came and Wesley came in with me in the ambulance. We got to the hospital and the scooted me in. They pushed me into a room and the doctor came in and checked my leg and put it in position. I was swearing so much because of the pain. He finally stopped and I got to pick a color for my leg. I picked T/C/C. I had to be in a wheel chair for a while in till my leg heals. Wesley helped me through it all and in the end my leg healed and I gave him a gift for helping through this. ;)


I was at gymnastics and I had to do three cartwheels, a handstand, and a front flip. I finished doing the cartwheels and handstand. I just about finished the front flip when someone through something at me which made me land on my wrist. It was throbbing in pain. Drew ran from the bleachers and up to me. My team mates came around me to. A stretcher came and Drew nad my couch hoisted me up on it. They helped bring me out of the school and to the ambulance. The ambulance drove to the hospital and they brought me in. The paramedics wouldn't let Drew come with me so he had to drive here.  I got into the room and it took about 5 minutes for Drew to get here. He walked to the side of the bed and took m y hand and kissed it. The doctor came in and told me  I had to do some x-rays then if its broken reposition it." I nodded and we took the x-rays and I found out that it was broken in to places. They repositioned it and then I got a cast. I got a T/C/C cast. He let us go after it was perfectly repositioned and then once I got home I let Drew stay over and we had a movie marathon.

I hope you liked it. It took me all this time to make up the ideas and type them. I dedicated this one to my contest winner Crazy_Carrot_Lover84. Plz follow her she is amazing. I hope you liked it.




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Love you my Peeps,

From P 

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