Preference:You both have to tell your child thier going to have a bro/sis

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This was requested by the contest winner. ~P

They have to tell their toddler they are having another baby.


I just found out that I was pregnant with another child. How am I going to tell Drew and baby Sam. I think im going to tell Drew then we can tell Sam together. I walked up to Drew and said" Drew I have to tell you something." He asked" What is it?" I said" Were having another kid. He looked beyond happy. He picked me up and spun me around and kissed. He said" That's wonderful news Y/N." I smiled and said" So how about we take Sam out for ice cream and tell him he is going to have a brother or sister soon." He nodded and I walked to Sam's room. I open Sam playing with his toys. I said" Hey buddy you want to go out for ice cream?" He nodded excited and got up and put his shoes on. I took him in my arm and brought him down the stairs. We all got in the car and drove to an ice cream place. Once we got there I got F/I/C/F. Sam got vanilla and chocolate mixed. Drew just got vanilla. We all sat down and I said" buddy I need to tell you something." He asked" Its not wou and waddy spwitting up wight?" I said" No its not it about something else." He nodded and I said" Well how would you feel about having another brother or sister?" He said" I would wove to have a brover or sistwer" Drew said" Well in 9 months you will have a brother or sister." He said" YAYYYYY!!!!" He hugged Drew then me and then went back to eating his ice cream.


I felt sick so I ran into the bathroom and threw up. I finally finished and walked out. My daughter came up to me and said" You all wight mommy?" I said" Yea hunny im all right just a little sick." She said" Go swit down." I nodded and sat on the couch. Wesley came out of the kitchen and saw me and came up to me and kissed my cheek. I asked" Can we go to the doctors because I feel as if something's not right." He said" Ok get up and we can go." I nodded and got up and took my daughters hand and we walked to the car. It took a while to get to the doctors but once we got there the nurse brought us to a room and I got a check up by a doctor. After 10 minutes the doctor came back in and said" Mrs. Stromberg congrats your pregnant!!!!!" I was shocked. Wesley had a expression that I couldn't describe. He looked happy, shocked, and excited. He got out of his seat and hugged me. Leila my daughter was like" what is bweing pwegnant mean?" I said" It means you get to have a brother or sister soon." She smiled and got into the group hug.


I haven't been feeling very well lately. I have been puking mad crazy. I am going to take a pregnancy test just in case. I walked to the pharmacy and got my pregnancy test. I went home and into the bathroom. I did the test and let it sit their for a while. Then I looked at it and saw it had a + sign on it. I couldn't believe I am pregnant. I walked out of the bathroom after throwing away the test and to my bedroom. I laid on the bed still in complete shoke. The door opened and in walked my husband Keaton. He asked" Hey hunny you ok?" I said" I have to tell you something." He asked" You aren't divorcing me are you?" I said" I would never divorce you." He said" Thank god." He laid down next to me and I said" Keaton im pregnant." He had a blank face and I was kinda nervous of his reaction since we already have a son named Calvin. His face turned into happiness and he pulled me into his chest and kissed my forhead and said" I am so happy." I smiled and said" Me to but how are we going to tell this to Calvin." He said" I go tell him and you just rest. I nodded and laid down. He walked out the door and when I heard Calvins room door open I sneaked and heard" Calvin I have some exciting news." Calvin said" What is it daddy?" He said" You are going to have a brother or sister soon." He said" When I want to see." He said" You have to wait a while." Then Calvin said" Yay I am going to have someone to play with." Then I heard footsteps coming near the door so I ran back to my room and laid down. Keaton came in and said" All done." He laid down next to me again and he said" I love you Y/N ." I said" I love you too Keaton." Then he wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep.

Hey guys this was made for all you and this was an idea from Crazy_Carrot_Lover84. Plz follow her it would mean the world to me.



Follow me and Crazy_Carrot_Lover84


Love you my Peeps,

From P

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