Cute Imagine for Maggie

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Me and Keaton are just sitting on the couch watching a movie.

I asked" Hey Keaton can you get me some popcorn please?"

He nodded and did his adorable smile and walked into the kitchen and came back two minutes later with more popcorn.

I smiled and said" Thank you."

He said" Anything for you kitten."

AHHHHHH That was the first time he has ever called me kitten.

I blushed and said" Im not as cute as a kitten."

He said" No you aren't you are beautiful.

As beautiful as a rose when it blooms.

You are tuff  on the outside but delicate in the inside."

I blushed a crimson red and kissed his cheek making him turn a little red.

I said"Thank you that meant a lot to me you said that."

He said" its all the truth kitten."

I smiled and kissed him on the cheek again and then we went back to watching the movie.

Hey guys sorry i havent done any in a while.

I have been very busy writing my books.

Could maybe you guys ask me to do more cute, romantic kind of things instead of dirty.

It would mean the best.

There will be another contest soo.

Im thinking of what to do for it but i may have an idea.

Well i hope you liked it Maggie and Peeps.




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