Cute Wesley Imagine (noelle5)

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This was requested by noelle5. I hope you like it Noelle it made it for you.~ P

You were getting ready for your very special date with your wonderful boyfriend Wesley. He was taking you somewhere special that you don't know of. He said to where something casual so you got ready.( Pic on side) You heard a knock at the door and opened to see a very cute looking Wesley. He said" You look beautiful." You blushed and said" Thanks you don't look bad yourself." He smiled and said" thanks you ready to go Noelle?" You smiled and nodded. you guys got into the car and drove to the special place. You guys got to a park and you saw under a very beautiful tree a nice picnic. He asked you " Do you like it?" you nodded and said" Its wonderful i never had someone go through this much trouble to make me happy Thank you." He smiled and said" I would always do this for my beautiful girlfriend. You deserve it." you smiled and hugged him and said" i love you." He said" I love you too." You gys walked to the picnic and relaxed, talked, and eat. Then Wesley said" I got you something that i thought you might like." You asked" What is it?" He said" I got you this." Then he pulled out a puppy behind his back and said" This is our new puppy her name is Bambi and she was a rescue." You smiled and said" I love her thank you so much Wes." He said" Anything for you." You said" Well i have something for you." He asked" What is it?" You said" This" Then you kissed him right then and there. You pulled away and said" How did you like the present?" He said" i loved it but i love you more." You said" i love you too." Then the rest of the day you guys just cuddled and watched the sunset then he drove you back to your house and you gave him a good night kiss.

I hoped you liked it noelle5. it took me a while but i got it down. i tried to make it really cute so you can enjoy it more. I hoped you liked it.

I hoped you liked it everyone i try my hardest on the imagines you request so i hope these were good enough.

Love you my Peeps,

From P

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