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Drew: He wasn't to big on PDA. It was mainly him being protective of you. When you guys got swarmed by fans and paparazzi, it's a different story. In big crowds his arm flys tightly around your waist. Drew usually just intertwined your fingers, or has his arm around your shoulders. He likes keeping your relationship to just you two and close friends.

Wesley: He's all for the PDA. He'll intimately kiss you in the middle of the public eye. If Wes wants to kiss you, he will kiss you. His arms sneak into your back pockets as flashes from camera go off, catching the intimate moment between the hottest new couple.

Keaton: Keaton doesn't like PDA, at all. He thinks affection should be shown privately, and you agree. In public, you two just hold hands and kiss each other on the cheek. If there's no one around he'll give you a quick kiss. Other than that, he just makes sure you're alright in big crowds

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