Chapter Seven

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The sun was beginning to set, night was approaching fast. Mariah paced the living room softly waiting to here back from Canaan; it had been two days since he left the house and she had not heard anything from him or her other daughter. Margaret was not far behind him, she snuck out of the house to follow him that night. That left just her and a sleeping Catherine who continued to remained locked in her mind. Mariah had checked on Catherine multiple times to see if she had awaken from her deep sleep, but no change has come about.
Mariah's anxiety was increasing with every passing hour that she does not hear from the rest of her family, fearing that something has happened to them. She walked over to the kitchen table and grabbed her iPhone, calling Canaan to see if would answer.
"This is Canaan, I am away from my phone right now. Please leave your name, number and a quick message so I can return your phone call. Thank you."
That was the tenth time she had heard that voicemail, increasing her anxiety even more. She placed the phone down and walked back upstairs to check on Catherine. As she walked into the bedroom, she saw Catherine sitting up in the bed with her eyes closed. A huge, cold blast of air flowed through the room and the door slammed shut. The house began to shake.
"Catherine!" Mariah called out, quickly reaching her bedside. She shook her however her eyes would not open. Her mouth began to form words and the sound of them quickly came out.
"Fire..Ice.. Death.. Two souls.. Canaan.. Matthew.. Margaret.. Death.. New Enemy.. The sixth Mark.." Catherine continued, but in a complete sentence. "A war is coming, between old and new, between brothers and sisters, between mother and father, between husband and wife. Friends will become enemies and enemies will become friends. The marks have returned, returned to pick the chosen one of the family. A price will be paid, a life for a life. Old forces had risen to take on the new. Take heed of my warning before it is to late, because the Fallen One will soon pay."
Suddenly, the house became still and the wind was gone. Catherine fell back onto the bed, but awaken. Her eyes were wide as she slowly sat back up, fear beginning to overwhelm her.
She looked at Mariah with tears in her eyes. "I know where they are."
"Where are they?" Mariah asked.
"Matthew has them, but I am afraid it is to late." Catherine cried. "I can no longer feel Margaret's presence, I can still feel dad's but not hers. Matthew showed me terrible things that were to take place and I believe they already have come to pass."
Mariah's eyes widen with fear. "Where are they?" She asked again. "We need to save them."
"In an old manor on the other side of town." Catherine sobbed. "He has them locked up in the cellar under the house."
Mariah stood up and walked out of the room, she knew it was time to end this once and for all.
Matthew sat down in the sitting room of the manor in front of the fire place, waiting for his guest of honor to join him. He knew it was a brilliant plan to kidnap the Hathaway child and use her to bring back a woman of many talents and evils. He knew this woman from way back in time, however she died almost 4,000 years ago. She was a force to be reckon with, truly evil in every way. She was once good until her son died at the age of seventeen, murdered by a vicious man.  Once her son died, she became wicked and seeking only vengeance . Leaving her husband and the rest of her children to lead an alliance to destroy clans that bared the murder's name.
Sadly, she was never able to finish her quest. She died of a terrible disease that struck her tribe, killing them off one by one. Her story was written down in one book, but only the life of her goodness. The rest of her story was lost to time as was her body; never to be resurrected again. Matthew believed that her husband and remaining family did not want the world to see her wicked ways and did everything to make sure her life was deemed a great inspiration to be good; however that was not the case when he uncovered her tomb. He knew they had a lot in common and could become alliance; all he had to do was help her.
Now, Matthew intends to help exact her revenge by helping her looking for the last descendant of the murderer who took her son away and in return, he needed her to help destroy Canaan. He knew it was the perfect plan and she was the key to all of it.
Matthew's thoughts were interrupted by small footsteps coming toward him. He looked up to see the woman sit down across from him, her long dark hair thrown over to one side in a braid. She still wearing the white dress that she was wearing earlier when she was awakened with no shoes. She had no clothes yet. Her icy blue eyes stared at him with uncertainty.
"I will get you some new clothes as soon as possible." Matthew stated. "I am sure you would rather be in something more comfortable then that dirty dress."
She shook her head. "I have a particular taste in clothing that this time may not have." She stated, her face remained emotionless. "I would prefer dresses. However I would not mind trying on clothing from this time as well."
"We will find them for you." He said. "I insist, you cannot wear that dress and have no shoes."
She nodded. "Thank you."
"No problem." Matthew said. "Now, if I may ask. What would you like to be called? I know you have many names and I want to know what your preference was to a name?"
"I would prefer my name that was God giving." She stated. "I would like to be called Eve."
Matthew smiled darkly. "The mother of all humankind." He stated. "The Saint turned Sinner. The leader of the Alliance against Cain's descendants."
Eve smiled back. "You make me sound very evil." She stated.
Matthew laughed. "Well, you were the beginning of the Fall." He stated. "You are the Mother of Sin itself."
"A title I well deserve." Eve suggested.
Matthew nodded, he leaned forward and opened a bottle of wine. Slowly poured it into two glasses and sat the bottle down. He handed one to Eve and kept one to himself. He sipped some of it, continuing to stare at Eve.
"So why I am here Matthew?" Eve asked bluntly.
"Well I was hoping you would help me with a slight problem." He suggested. "And in return, I would help you."
Eve nodded. "What are you needing help with?" She asked.
"Finding my vessel." He stated. "I have come to the conclusion that this body is no longer inhabitable, but I do have my vessel somewhere or what is left of it."
"That is a pretty simple request." She claimed as she sipped her wine. "What is in it for me though?"
"I will give you immortality." Matthew claimed, making Eve stare at him wide eyed.
"Immortality?" Eve asked. "How, I am nearly 5,000 years old and lived much longer than the average human of course until I was struck down by a disease."
"Simple." He stated, he picked up a box that was laying beside him and opened. In it was a bright green liquid mixture, it glowed slightly. Matthew picked it up out of the box and held it up.
"This is the potion of Immortality." He stated. "It is mixed with many things and also a very special ingredient that nobody: human, demon or angel can find because the Big Man has locked it up."
"The Tree of Life and Death," eve whispered. "How did you find the ingredient? It has been locked up ever since Adam and I were told to leave Eden."
"It's secret." Matthew stated smiling darkly. "It does not matter where I received this beautiful cocktail of splendid darkness. It matters that I have it and it is all yours Eve and I also offer to wake up Adam as well if you wish."
Eve looked at him confused. "How would you find a vessel for him to have?" She asked.
Matthew shook his head. "His body is still intact." He stated. "Your body was burned at the time of your death. So you took much planning to resurrect. With Adam, I just have to find his soul."
Eve shook her head. "I do not think that is a good idea." She stated. "Last time I saw Adam, was when our son died and the other one left. We had different views about God's plan. "
Matthew stood up and held out his hand, Eve slowly grabbed his hand and stood with him. Matthew stared at her firmly, searching her eyes for the truth and the hurt left behind from her heartbreak. Indeed, she was heartbroken, but that was what made her the sinister woman she was before her death. He intended to make her the greatest evil the world had ever seen.
"My dear, I believe we may have the same view of God." He stated.
"You may be right." She stated. "Now what are you to do with the man who sits chained in the next room?"
"Canaan?" Matthew asked. "He is the pain in my side I cannot get rid of. I cannot kill him until I find my body. I must find my body before we do anything to him. We will leave him here under the surveillance of William and Cassandra."
Eve smiled darkly as she let go of Matthew's hand, slowly walking toward the door. She stopped and turned back toward him. Her wicked gleam sent chills up Matthew's spine, questioning rather or not it was a good idea to bring her back from the dead.
"Are you coming?" She asked.
"Yes." Matthew said as he walked toward her, not regretting the decision again. It was time Canaan paid, but he had to have his body first before he could do anything.

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