1; The Beginning. (Re-Writren & Edited)

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Hi if you're a new reader,

I am currently going through revising each chapter, until there all revised and I can continue the story. Chapter one is currently updated. Enjoy :)

| Aurora |

"Let's go Aurora, we're never going to make it out the front door if you stay up there any longer." Jessica, one of my bestfriends, yelled at me from downstairs.

"Would you relax? I just want to make sure I look good." I flipped my hair and rolled my eyes walking down the stairs.

"Well dämn, hello there sexy." Nina, my other bestfriend, greeted me at the end of the staircase.

"Alright alright alright." Jessica cut us off annoyed. "Rumor is Justin Bieber will be making an appearance at this club tonight and I'm not missing him because you two bïtches want to make small talk." Jessica snapped at us. "Talk in the car."

Listen, I know Jessica means well. It's just most of the time, okay all of the time she's a bïtch.

Nina an I became friends with her our sophomore year in highschool, believe it or not Jessica was actually a loner back then, I'm talking the girl had no friends and I figured out why shortly after.

Jump three years later and now we're all currently in our first year in college at UCLA, I aspire to be a famous writer one day. Nina wants to be a marine biologist... Yeah I was confused too, but Nina is the most intelligent woman I know, crazy as hell but very smart. She is definitely doing big things when she gets older. As for Jessica, were not sure. Her major changes every other day. I just don't think she takes school very seriously and the only reason why she agreed on going is because of me and Nina, but the world will never know the truth.

In other news, you would think because of the way Jessica treats us we would cut our losses and stop being friends with her however believe it or not she's grown on us through the years. We all share a house together, thanks to Nina's dad of course. She comes from money and when her father heard his daughter wanted to go to collage he was the first person to make sure his daughter and her friends were taken care of. Hey, I'm not complaining.

"What crawled up her äss?" Nina mumbled into my ear, causing me to chuckle of course. I shrugged hopping into the back of the uber. "Ah, according to twitter Justin is still at the club." Jessica leaned in and grabbed the driver, "If you don't drive faster to this dämn club so help me god."

"Jess, relax. It's just Justin Bieber." Nina told her. Jessica sat back, "Just Justin Bieber?"

Oh boy here we go, Jessica has had a slight obsession with Justin Bieber. And by slight I mean huge. When Jessica first invited us over to her house it was like Justin Bieber had thrown up all over her walls. Talk about scary.

I don't get the hype. I mean he is a great singer and his music is not bad but that's pretty much it for me, other then that all I think about when I hear him is trouble. I'm always looking to see what other stupid mess he's gotten into this time. The only reason why Nina and I are even tagging along is because school is starting to get a little hectic with finals swiftly approaching, we both are in need of a break...bad. The bonus in all this is my boyfriend is in town and has agreed to meet me there.

My boyfriend, Ronnie is currently attending Texas A&M university on a scholarship for football. We thought before finals that it would be great to see each other, so we have had this little homecoming together planned for a while.

"Thanks for the ride." Nina said closing the car door behind her. The driver was a bit of a rude dick, yet I don't know why I thought he would be nice when Jessica threated the man about five times.

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