5; A Better Life.

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1 month (1-4 weeks)

| Aurora|

It's been one month on my own. One month with out Justin. I haven't seen him or even heard about him through Jessica. It hasn't been hard, but than again it hasn't been easy. I didn't fall for him or even love him for that matter, but I really did think he would of wanted to be apart of his child's life someway.

I'm not going to sit here and say I'm okay, because I'm not. I'm just trying to keep my shït together for the sake of my baby, I don't want to seem stressed or anything of that matter because I don't want any of my outside drama to effect the baby. It's not his or her's fault. 

Thank god, for Nina though. I guess that's why she's my bestfriend for a reason. She literally has been my by side through everything. I couldn't be more thankful. As for Jessica, well.. She still doesn't know. I know she is going to find out eventually, but as for right now I'm perfectly fine with out telling her.

Oh and don't even get me started with Ronnie! That dämn boy will not leave me alone even though we ended things weeks ago he still feels the need to text and call me constantly.

"You ready Ro?" Nina broke me out of my thoughts. I nodded, "oh yeah." I grabbed my purse and followed her out the front door.


"What if they say somethings wrong?" I panicked looking towards Nina who sat there looking down at her phone. We were both at the baby clinic for my one month appointment and to say i'm scared is an understatement.

"Chill out, you'll be fine. I'll be right there the whole time." Nina said not even bothering to look at me. She was chill with everything that was going on, in fact she was excited as hëll to become an auntie to my little peanut.

"Right, you're right." I nodded my head, looking down at my hands that laid in my lap.

"Aurora Ramirez." The nurse than came out and called my name. Nina grabbed my hand and and we both walked back together.

"Go down to the second door on your left, the doctor will see you soon."

"Ro, calm down." Nina said and my head snapped towards her, "I'm calm, what makes you think I'm not calm?!"

"Do you see your legs?" She asked. I looked down because I had no idea what she was talking about. I just so happen to be shaking my legs really fast as I sat on the table waiting for my doctor to just hurry up and come in already.

"I'm fine."

"Hi Aurora? I'm Dr. Montgomery I'll be your OB-GYN." She smiled at me and stuck out her hand which I gladly shook. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise," she smiled and then pressed some button on her computer screen than looked at me. "So how long have you been together?" Dr.Montgomery looked at Nina and then me.

Nina busted out laughing, and then Dr.Montgomery eyes widened realizing what she just had sad. "We're not together, we're bestfriends." I giggled. She laughed, "I'm so sorry! Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed, I just thought—"

I shook my head, "no, no don't apologize it was a good laugh that I needed." I really did! I then smiled and she nodded, "well I really don't mean to sound rude here.. But is the father around?" I froze looking at the ground.

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