12; Excited!

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3 Months (9-12 weeks)

| Aurora |

"So I would just like to attend classes from home, until after I have the baby."

I was at school, talking to my guidance counselor. Most people my age in college are partying, but I just so happen to be having a baby.

"That's perfectly fine." She smiled, "you'll need to turn in at least three to six assignments a week." I nodded, "sounds good." She looked at my belly,"will you be returning to us after? Or will it stay to virtual?"

I sighed, "I would like to yes, but I don't the for sure answer right now." She nodded, "that's absolutely fine, just know that after you give birth you'll need to wait another five to eight weeks before you come back because it's mandatory for pregnant woman in schooling." I nodded, grabbing the papers I needed to take home, "Thank you for everything, Ms. Ryan's."

She nodded, smiling, "don't worry about it sweetheart, you're a hard working student. I know you got this."


"I want Chinese food," I groaned, laying down on my couch, plopping my feet on Nina's lap.

"It must be nice to have a reason to eat a lot," she whined, "I eat a lot for no reason whatsoever."

I giggled, "I'm scared I'm gaining too much weight, too fast." Nina rolled her eyes, "oh shut up, you're pregnant."

"Bruh, I can't even believe I'm just going to get bigger and bigger." I huffed, Nina chuckled, "I can't wait to see you big as a whale."

My eyes widened, "some best friend you are!" She laughed some more, " I can't help it ro, it's going to be freaking hilarious." I crossed my arms,"whatever." She sighed, "on a serious note, that baby is going to be gorgeous."

"You think?" I asked. Nina, gave me a bïtch really look, "Aurora! You're fücking gorgeous, and Justin annoying how he is, he's like a beautiful sex God."

I cracked up laughing, "touché." I mumbled, "speaking of Justin.." Her hand snapped, "oh lordy, what?"

"Do you think maybe he can move in with us?" I asked quickly.


"I just feel like it would be easier and saf— wait did you just say sure?" I asked, shocked. Never in a million years did I ever think she would agree so willingly.

"Yeah." She nodded, looking down at her phone, texting someone. Za I'm assuming, they've been extremely close since I've caught them on the couch a couple days ago.

"Why?" I bluntly asked, "what's the catch?"

She chuckled, "Ro there's no catch, I want your child to have their father in there life, just as much as you do." I nodded, "so you're being for real?" She rolled her eyes sarcastically, "Yes, Aurora I'm being for real."

I actually got a little too excited, Justin's going to live here! My baby daddy is going to be with me twenty four seven. This definitely shall be interesting.

"He can stay in Jessica's room," she added on and I tried to hold my laugh back, pulling my phone out, "He's going to love that," I giggled.

Text Message to Baby Daddy:
Nina said you can move in

"I feel like a boss, having Justin Bieber living in my house!" Nina smiled, proudly. I rolled my eyes, "girl," I laughed, "sometimes I just really can't deal with you." She grinned, stupidly, "oh, but you love me!"

Text Message from Baby Daddy:
Sweet, I'm in a meeting though, I'll text you later. Give peanut my love.

"I really do want Chinese food though," I whined. Nina got up to get me the menu we have on the side of the refrigerator, "I'll order it but I'm getting something too," she handed it to me.

"Duh! I need someone to eat with!" I stated the absolute obvious. She rolled her eyes, "don't you mean someone to get fat with?" I giggled and mumbled, "maybe."

She groaned, "this is so horrible." I chuckled, "Hush! You know you love me pregnant!" I rubbed my belly as my eyes grew bigger.

| Justin |

"So what's the plan then?" I asked, causally sitting at a table, filled in a room with people who all work for me.

"We're going to have the interview live at your house." Scooter said, "it won't even be a known famous interviewer, just someone basic." I nodded, "sounds good enough."

"Have you told your parents yet?" He asked, and my eyes widened, "shit, we might need to postpone the interview one more week," Scooter rolled his eyes, "Kid! How the hell could you forget to tell your parents that you're going to be a dad?"

I chuckled, "I'm not even going to say an excuse right now, because I honestly don't have one. Just things have been a little bit hectic these pass few days." Scooter nodded, "you heard him guys, we'll meet back in a week."

I got up and headed out the door, fast. "Where you going? I thought you and Za had planned to play basketball?" Scooter asked.

I shrugged, carelessly, "I'd rather go see Aurora."


We seem to be making goal fast, therefore I update fast lol

Aurora and Justin are cute co parents frfr

OH AND A LIL NOTE TO MY POPPIN READERS, if you want another update go make goal, lol y'all haven't made goal so I haven't updated, it's only fair

Sorry for any errors.
Goal; 45+ votes & 27+ comments.
xo, Emmy.

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