Chapter 5: Alex the Immortal

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Classes went much like it did in the show. Long, stereotypical, boring and plain out obvious at sometimes. They should've just said 'don't die students, they're spooky, scary beasts outside this city waiting to kill you.'

When the bell rang, nearly every student including myself sighed out of relief and left the room. Apparently school lasts here until 8:00 because by the time I got to my dorm, the moon was in full bloom.

I sat down on the soft bed awaiting slumber, instead something else emerged.

"It's time for you to give me a gift Alex."

I didn't reply. Thinking that he just loved to hear him to talk he would shut himself up in a bit but he just kept rambling.

"The Faunas here are abused, beaten and teased throughout their life."

"The Grimm here are hunted, killed and trapped throughout their life."

"You are here and you shall be my entertainment until I get bored of you, then you shall die."

"Screw off I'm trying to sleep." I annoyingly told off the voice who only laughed.

"As you wish, I'll take my gift when your asleep."

"I swear to god if you take my kidney!" I warned the voiced before hearing the deep laughter fade.

"Good night Alex, tomorrow you shall be surprised."

My only reply was me closing my eyes and falling asleep, embracing the dreams and nightmares my mind had in stored for me.

I awoke to silence. The room untouched and clean from when I fell asleep to. I sighed happily and began to change into a fresh pair clothing for school, thank god for it being Friday though.

As I picked up my clothing and put it on I couldn't help but here a voice.

"I'm getting dressed."

"Just wanted to tell you school's out something happened yesterday in one of the class rooms."

The voice I picked up was clearly Jaune.

"Sweet." I stated now switching to my original clothes from when I got on this planet aka my t-shirt and jeans.

"Hey Alex, Me and the others are going out for practice on the field you wanna try out your gun?"

"I dont know..." I yelled out finalizing my my outfit.

"Come on it'll be fun plus you get to see a lot of cool fights."

Sighing I opened the door and walked out. Jaune simply smiled before rambling on about his team's awesome fighting skills as he led me to the practice field.

It didn't take long. Ten minutes from the dorms, the large grass fields were covered in students training, well, at least it was until Yang and Nora kicked everybody out, threatening to chokeslam all of them if they didn't leave that second.

To my surprise, everyone fled with the same amount of fear stretched on their faces and speed except for the nine of us who were their.

Blake was the first to notice and the first to not care then followed Weiss then Ren before Nora zoomed out of nowhere with Ruby's speed and tackled Jaune.

I gave out a slight chuckle as we made it to the teams that were resting on the bleachers. Both Ruby and Pyrrha were discussing who would fight first, their minds set on either me vs Jaune or Yang vs Nora.

Their minds and tactics were thinking of new ideas until Weiss came out of the darkness of underneath the bleachers that everyone was sitting on and said with a smile.

"I think it would be nice to test Alex's skills out for myself."

The girls all talked about it as Jaune and Ren defended me until they both gave up.

"Sorry Alex we treid."

"Never give up you traitors!" I commanded of them as they shrugged.

"You've been challenged there's nothing we can do."

"Can I deny it?"

"Normally yes but..." Jaune said scratching the back of his neck.

"Weiss will get offended."


"You don't want to do that."

"Try me."

"Just fight."



"I don't want to."

"I don't care."

"Nope sorry."

"Yes sorry."

"I don't speak you english sir."

"But you do speak battle so get in there."

"Damn." I pouted entering on the field.

I made my way to the right of the field and sighed. I wanted this to be over so I went to grab my weapon and remembered something anew."

"I don't have my rifle guys." I smiled shrugging my shoulders.

In the middle of doing so, said so rifle flew out of the bleachers and knocked me over.

"I remembered to grab it for you!" Jaune yelled out as I gave him a glare which he responded by a laugh, "You'll do fine!" He said unsure of himself.

"You'll do fine with my foot up your a-"

"Can we begin this?" Weiss asked standing on the left side of the field bouncing her foot up and down on the ground.

With a nod and a raise of her hand, Yang readied everyone, "Let the fight between Weiss and the new guy begin!" She said flinging her head to the ground. Weiss gave no hesitation as she charged using her glyphs. Quickly reacting I pull down the trigger of the rifle hoping for it to shoot out a burst or a barrage...It did much more than that.

With a loud bang and some recoil, the rifle unleashed a mini rocket like device that flew out of the gun. Weiss dodged the bullet easily as it rammed into the ground creating a crater and an explosion which made dirt clods fly everywhere.

Although the gun's shot looked awesome, it's effectiveness was little to none as the heiress was now in front of me. With a swift slash of her blade she managed to disarm me but yet not wounded me.

The weapon flew across from us as she continued with her strikes. Nearly dodging all of them somehow, the faint yells from everyone was heard some calling for the attacker to stop the fight, but she seemed out of it, untouched by everyone's cries only focused on me.

With another swing I managed to dodge the girls face clearly showed annoyance as she began to do a jab. This time I was to slow as to dodging only facing the distance of their voices and the darkness that blacked me out.

It felt only a second as I arose in a blind panic. I was still in the field, Weiss standing two feet in front of me, starring in disarray as I arose again. This time though not caring if the battle ended or not, I jumped towards the girl who was still in shock and swung, my weapon still being away from me.

The white dressed girl didn't have time to block, instead simply just took the hit, and she took it hard, really hard. The girl, in one hit, fell to the ground without a second in between the hit and the recoil as I tried to think of why didn't see guard.

The field grew silent. Only wind blowing was heard. I looked back at the bleachers to see everyone standing there in confusion and awe at the sight.

"THAT WAS AWESOME! ALEX IS A IMMORTAL!" Nora cried out to the sky before once again using Ruby's speed and surrounded me, "You just shrugged off an overdosed fire dust stab straight through the chest like it was nothing!"

"What the?" I looked down to see nothing out of place. No blood, no holes, no marks, completely untouched.

"That's cool I guess." I said shrugging before finishing off the rest day doing various things and fun activities. All though, the feeling of people watching me, grew and grew throughout my day some with odd, some smug but even some of them, with fear.

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