Chapter 14: Happy Birthday!

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Coolest semblance ever! I guess the whole, don't want to get skewered again, helped me trigger my semblance. Now that I think about it, the origin of my semblance makes sense. I Came to Remnant through a portal and now I have the ability to create them. Awesome.

After a bit of experimenting we realized the farther away I send something or someone, the more energy I use.

Ruby and Weiss stared at Ruby's scroll rather than have fun with my new found semblance with everyone else. Weiss I could see doing that but Ruby... that's not like her.

I walked toward them and peered over Ruby's head. They were looking at a picture of that guy in the picture from the workshop. I think Ruby said his name was Grant Blue.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked.

They exchanged looks then put the scroll away.

"Nothing important." Weiss said and glanced at her own scroll, "We should Probably go back to the dorms. It's getting late."

Ruby nodded in agreement and we all left the gym.

I waved my friends off as I turned the corner to my own room. As I turned the corner I saw Weiss leaving her dorm and strutted down the hallway.

I flopped in my bed, exhausted from all the training. I layed in my bed thinking about the little things. While doing so, I realized that there was a lot of things that I can't remember.

That's weird, I told myself then tried to come up with a bunch of things I could remember; Mom, Dad, my birthday... Wait.

I went to the calendar function in my scroll. It was March 23rd today, so tomorrow...IS my birthday! How could I not remember what month it was, well actually I was unconscious for a few but still!

I was both excited for my 17th birthday, and sad at the same time. I would have liked to be at home for it, spending it with my family, but I don't think I'm going back. Besides not like I have to worry about any big celebrations, I never actually told anyone but Ozpin my birthday.

I was so deep in thought I drifted asleep.

I dreamed of home. It was my birthday when I was little and judging by the cake, I was about four. I knew it was me because of some pictures I saw in my mom's closet. I was standing across the table from myself, to the left of little me, was my mom, to the right was my dad. There was one other person as well but they had their back to me so I couldn't see. We all laughed and joked when I couldn't blow out the candles so the person across from me blew them out. I made a big, goofy grin at the person across from me.

The person slid a box across the table while mom was cutting the cake. I tore through the box and in it was a grey and blue steel whistle. It wasn't really anything special, it was Just a whistle.

I looked closer and remembered that I'd always had it. I could never remember where I'd gotten it but it was always on me. When I got older it just kind of stayed in my coat pocket. But I didn't have my coat anymore.

"Thanks Gwant." I said to the person. The person got up and walked over to me.

"Your welcome little bro." He ruffled little me's hair.

I could see him now, He looked like me in a way but not. He had my dark brown hair combed to one side but his eyes were a darker green. In my dream he was just a kid, about 9 years old.

"Your such a good big brother Grant." Mom said to the boy.

Big Brother? I thought to myself.

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