Chapter 19: Sisters

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Weiss and I boarded the airship early in the morning and headed to Atlas. Weiss and I mostly talked the way there. At one point Weiss had fallen asleep so I just read one of the books Blake lent to me .

When we docked I shook Weiss awake.

At the landing pad there was a car waiting for us. The chauffeur put our bags in the back of the vehicle and Weiss slipped in the front seat and me in the back. It was about a 15 minute drive to the mansion and Weiss talked with the driver the entire way. I didn't mind though.

We pulled through a giant silvery gate and around a circular driveway. We stopped at the front doors and there was a butler standing outside with a luggage cart.

"Welcome back Miss Schnee." he greeted, "Your father is on a business trip and your sister won't be back till later this evening."

"Thank you Alfred," Weiss then gestured to me, "This is Alex, he will be staying with us."

"Very well Miss Schnee..." He started

"Weiss is fine." she corrected

"Weiss," Alfred said, "Wasn't the rest of your friends coming to the manor too."

Weiss nodded, "They will be arriving in two weeks. Now can you please show Alex to his room?"

"Yes mis-Weiss." then he lead me into the manor while the driver unloaded our bags.

The Mansion was huge. From what I could tell it was at least five stories. The floors had red velvet carpets laid in each corridor. The most interesting part was that each hallway was a different color but was close enough to the previous that it didn't look too out of place. I noticed many pictures and displays hanging on the walls. The way that the colors seemed to go together perfectly I could understand why Weiss colored my gear so well.

Down a ice blue hallway we came to a door with a plaque that had my name on it. The butler punched in a number on a pad beside the door.

"Alex," he said, "Hold your scroll up to the pad please."

When I did, I heard the door unlock, "So it just like at beacon?" I asked.

Alfred nodded, "Weiss would like you to meet her for lunch in a few minutes. The system put a map of the house on your scroll."

"Thank you." I said.

Alfred bowed and walked down the hallway.

I slipped in my room the look around. It was very impressive. The walls were painted ocean blue and the carpet was a deep grey. The room was obviously decorated for me because there was a bookshelf, a target, armor closet and a stand that fit my gun perfectly.

Right, I thought, Dinning hall.

I took out my scroll and turned to an app that the pad had put on my scroll. I was a little red dot on the screen and my room had a little house icon on it. I flicked my finger on the screen until their was a room labeled 'Dinning Room'. I walked through the halls, only looking up when I was approaching my turn. It didn't take me long. When I got there Weiss was already sitting at a massive table texting someone on her scroll.

"Wow this place is huge." I said as I sat across from her.

"Yes it is. Did you find your way ok?" Weiss asked.

"Yeah," I told her, "How do you find your way around."

"I spent most of my life here." she said simply.

Suddenly a huge set of swinging doors burst open and a chef came out with two plates.

"Lunch is served," he said.

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