Chapter 41: It's Time

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It was a long night. Yang, Blake, Grant and myself completed the mission so we could go home. The next morning the airship to beacon came and we were all just glad that we were that place. We thanked the villagers for the cloths they gave up and they thanked us for destroying the nest of grimm.

Yang and I couldn't help but smile at Ruby and Weiss. They were cute together, I don't know how I didn't notice earlier. Since Weiss was still too weak to walk, Yang had to carry her and the pout on Ruby's face was priceless and was upset that she was on crutches.

It was actually kind of weird to see Ruby in regular clothes, but since her uniform was at Beacon and her combat stuff was ripped to shreds, she didn't have much choice. When I went to apologize for Next ripping her stuff she just shrugged it off and told me she was getting too big for her clothes anyway.

We all slept on the trip back to Beacon, it was peaceful, I will really miss these guys when we have to go back home. Not for long though, just until I forget. It was depressing really, having been through so much with these people and now having to say goodbye.

Before we landed Professor Goodwitch messaged Grant and I that he needed to speak to us once we got back to the school. Grant and I looked at each other with solemn looks son our faces. The girl's studied us and knew what was coming.

Team Ruby headed to the infirmary while Grant and I headed to Ozpin's office. I don't remember entering the school and I don't remember knocking on the big oak doors to the headmaster's office but none the less, it happened.

Ozpin gestured for us to have a seat. Once we were seated we looked up at him, his eyes studying us.

"You've...changed." He said.

My only response was; "Yes sir."

He sighed heavily, "Well I attempting to make light of the situation but it seems you already know why you are here."

We nodded.

"Speak to the headmaster boys." Goodwitch ordered.

Ozpin raised his hand, "It's quite alright Glynda. The fact of the matter is that they don't belong here and they know it." He stared at us with such intensity I felt like breaking under his gaze, "Leave us please Glynda."

The professor left the room and Ozpin continued.

"Now," He started, leaning back in his chair, "I was watching you, Alex, when Next took over, and how all of you handled the situation. I have to say, I am very impressed."

"You knew!" I yelled angrily and jumped up in my seat, "You knew and didn't say anything! You caulk have stopped it. Next could have killed them all!"

"Now if I thought that, I wouldn't have let you go." Ozpin said calmly, "Right Grant?"

I looked to my brother and raised an eyebrow.

Grant gave me a small smile, "It was why he put me on the same team as you."

"Yes, he may not remember but when he first showed up here seventeen years ago, he popped up right in the middle of initiation." Ozpin explained, "I had a feeling that you two were connected when you popped into my office."

"Then why did you send me away!" I demanded.

"Mr. Shade couldn't leave either." Ozpin said.

"So it was a test?" I questioned.


I was shocked. All this time Ozpin knew everything I needed but he never said anything.

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