Chapter 20: Schnee Manor

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The three of us sat at the table eating and talking.

"So," Winter spoke, "The gala."

"Oh right the gala." Weiss remembered.

"Father will be on a business trip and I'm on a short break so we are supposed to put it together."

"Yang and I put together a beautiful dance back at Beacon, so it shouldn't be a problem." Weiss told her.

"The gala will be in three weeks," Winter told us, "Alex I would appreciate if you helped."

I thought to the dance at Beacon then smiled, "What ages are going to be here?"

Weiss spoke, "A few important business people, a few people from the military, but mostly teenagers. Why?"

"The gala is great and all but why don't we put a little bit of a modern twist?" I suggested

Weiss started, "That's a..."

"Great idea." Winter interrupted, "Maybe the younger guests can have a little fun for a change."

"Your right." Weiss agreed, "We will start tomorrow."

"Agreed." I said.

"Great," Winter smirked, "Alex, I will arrange a ride into town for you to get supplies while Weiss and I help the maids clean the ballroom.

I nodded as I finished my meal, "May I be excused?"

Winter nodded and I went back to my room and went right to sleep.

The next morning I got up around seven and got dressed. I strapped on my gun then headed outside where the chauffeur was waiting for me. He drove me into the city where he gave me the Schnee credit card. We drove around town to all the stores that sold party stuff. I also went to some stores and got some ball appropriate stuff. The driver and I stopped for food then headed back to the mansion.

When I walked into the ballroom, it was clean all laid out to be decorated.

We immediately started to decorate the ceiling. I used the secondary handle of my weapon to hang from the rafters and my portals to move around. Weiss and Winter used their glyphs which wasn't much faster than what I was doing. By the time we were done, we were sore and exhausted. So, we agreed to wait till the others got their to finish.

I just went right to bed while Weiss and Winter had some food, but in my defence, it was like eleven o'clock at night.

I laid in bed with my hands behind my head. The room wasn't all that dark, I could see things just fine, which was odd considering the moon wasn't out and my door was sealed. I thought about it for a moment and drifted asleep.

The next morning I ate breakfast with Weiss and Winter, one thing I noticed about Winter was that she doesn't take crap from anyone. Weiss was half asleep while we were eating so she put her elbows on the table to rest her head. Winter told her to take her elbows off the table, when Weiss wined about being tired, Winter smacked her on the head and lectured her about proper table manners and sleep schedules. Lecturing people must run in the family.

"Alex." Winter got my attention.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"I would like to spar with you after breakfast."

"Uh..." I looked over at Weiss who just shrugged, "Sure?"

"Wonderful." she rose from her seat, "Meet me in the gym when you are finished."

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