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I SAT UNCOMFORTABLY on Troy's couch. He gazed intently at me from the seat parallel to mine. I squirmed awkwardly under his stare, until my voice broke the brooding silence.  "Troy? Why did you call me over here?" I tilted my head slightly and furrow my amazing eyebrows. He eyes me warily.

"I-well, I think that we should, um, ya know," he pauses. No no no. This can't be happening. "Take a break," my eyes widen and my breath catches in my throat.  "W-why?" I stutter, unable to comprehend this. We were fine. Troy loved me, I loved Troy. We had our cliche love story.

"I want someone more, ya know, normal." As much as I care for Troy, I couldn't help but lunge over the coffee table, jumping on top of him and screaming, "don't you 'normal' me! You find a 'normal' girl and get bored then! I won't be there when you come crawling back!"

Troy effortlessly picked me up, and I could see the slowly disappearing living room from over his shoulder. I heard the door open, and before I could protest, I had been dropped to my feet on the doorstep.

"No," I whispered to myself, hoping if I refused this it would all be okay again. When I looked back up, Troy's cobalt eyes had darkened reasonably, and it scared me. He looked at me like I was a stranger, a delinquent who had done something bad.

"We're done."

With those two words, I fell to the floor, ignoring the sting of concrete grazing my bare knees. He was all I had left.

I don't know how long I spent, kneeled on Troy's doorstep, my stupid head in my stupid hands. Eventually, I managed to peel myself away from his house, crawling into my Mum's minivan, retreating silently back to my house—where there was my fluffy bed and a tub of Boysenberry icecream.


I spent a few days in bed, with my fat kitty Puffy, and everything in needed to binge-watch supernatural.

My Mum—who was actually the last thing I had left (save for Puffy)—constantly checked on me, asking if I was okay and seeing if I wanted anything. I blatantly refused.

Once I had finished season 3, I decided I should get out somewhere, but the farthest I got was the living room. I scrolled through my phone, looking at old pictures. It was a mistake.

I was naturally drawn to one of me and Troy. It was right after his basketball premiership—which they had won. Troy still looked amazing, even though he was incredibly sweaty. I was situated on his back, a smile adorning my features.

I look so happy.

That thought caused something in me to snap.

No. I am not going to sit here and rot because of one single boy who let me go. I'm going to be happy.

But there was no happiness left for me in this city anymore.

I locked my phone and slammed it on the couch, startling my mother who was confusedly using an iPad.

"Laila!" She began, "you frighten-" I felt obliged to cut her off.

"Mother dearest," I began, trying to make my ragged appearance seem formal.

"I would like to take this moment to announce the fact that I shall be departing on a roadtrip soon."

Mum's eyes widened. "Wha-what?" She stuttered. She was probably just confused, because I kinda just went from 'depressed and lazy' to 'yeah! Roadtrip!'

Before Mum could answer—or close her jaw for that matter— I had already rushed up the stairs, violently pulling my suitcase from my closet.

While I spun around my bedroom like a tornado, throwing clothes into my suitcase, my mother stood at the doorway. She eyes my actions carefully.

"Lai," she began, and I mentally told her to save the speech. "I think that you should reconsider this. I know Troy broke up with you, but that doesn't mean you have to leave."

Troy. His name makes me more determined to run away with Puffy.

"Look, mum," I start, "as much as I love you, your the only thing left for me here. I need this. I need a fresh start."

Her thin eyebrows crease in concern.

"Mum." I emphasise, "I'm seventeen, turning eighteen. I can live my own life." I looked carefully up at her while I zipped up a suitcase, reading her expression.

Her eyes softened when she saw the state of my room. The TV was blaring in the background, and ice cream tubs littered my bedside table.

"If it's really what you want, honey," she smiled at me, and I'm glad my mum was happier that I am happier.


I stuffed the last suitcase into the car, as stood back to admire my work. Sighing, I returned to the house to grab Puffy and farewell my mother.

"Bye mama," I gleamed, my chubby cat tucked under my arm. "Bye, love. Be safe and have fun. I love you." She looked relieved that I wasn't still hidden away in my room.

"I love you too! I shouted, as I placed Puffy on the passenger seat and sat behind the wheel.

This is where my adventure begins.


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