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"SHUT YOUR MOUTH, you'll start catching flies,"



Nate is hot.

"W-will you marry me?" I stutter, my eyes still glued to his utterly majestic face.

"What?" Nate asks, a look of amusement crossing his features.

"I said... Um," I try to conceal my slip up.

"I said do you like ham and cheese?" I say it like a question, and nod to myself when I realise it's okay.

"Did you propose to me?"

Great. He thinks I'm a ditsy idiot.

"No!" I shout I bit too loud, "I was simply asking if you liked ham and cheese. Gosh."

Gosh? Really?

Before I could blush even harder, he slid my credit card across the table.

"My precious!" I quickly slid it into my jeans pocket.

Speaking of my precious.

"Puffy!" I scream, and run back to Mum's minivan to retrieve my baby. When I sit back down, Nate's eyebrows are furrowed. His eyebrows aren't as nice as Hot Blondie's, but it's close.

What is up with all these hot Glieston guys. Why wasn't I informed of this earlier.

Nate has hair that is indistinguishable. It's brown... But it's blond. His eyes are dark brown and are endless. Wow. That sounded deep.

"Sorry. I bet girls don't normally run to get their cat while on a date." I grin, while patting Puffy like an evil maniac.

A sly smile crosses his still majestic face. "Since when was this a date?" I falter.

Oh crap.

"I-I um... Well I—" I stumble with my words until I get cut off.

"I'll make it a date... If you let me pat your cat." He winks, before extending his arms to Puff.

I reluctantly hand him my kitty before muttering under my breath, "you only like me for Puffy."

"Puffy?" He asks, shifting his glance to Puff to clarify. I nod. At least he caught on faster than the guy I scared in the supermarket.

"That's cute. You're hot, and you have a cute cat. Double whammy." He laughs and strokes my cat.

Before I could grumble a response that would embarrass me even more, I heard a shriek from behind me.

"Sir Puffster The Great!" I turn to see none other than Hot Blondie running towards Nate, Green Eyes following behind. I act upon impulse and look to his feet, to see a swollen foot.

Hot Blondie grabs my cat from Nate's arms, just as Green Eyes limps into range.

"Dude," Nate asks inquisitively, "what happened to your foot?" 

Green eyes stifles a laugh and beckons to me. Nate raises his eyebrows at me.

And then, in one spontaneous outburst, I tell all three of them about everything.

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