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I WAS GOING to do it. I was going to rip her stupid ass barbie hair out of her stupid ass barbie head. I narrowed my eyes wickedly at her, casting a menacing glare across her cake face. She fawned over Nate, leaning against him and twirling a lock of his hair around one of her overly manicured fingers. I grumbled when she rested her heat on Nate's shoulder.

"Uh, Camille, could you maybe move? I have to get Lai to class." Nate addressed, trying to discreetly pry Camille off him with no success. "Don't worry, Natey." She waves a snarky hand dismissively at Lucas. "He can like, take her. She needs supervision, doesn't she? Cause she's like, special?"

White hot rage flooded across my body, from head to toe. My previous calmness popped like an old light bulb, the light in my mind diminishing to nothing but malicious blackness. I'm far too angry to conceal my madness, and I feel my eye brows furrow. My god, blood would be spilled.

Then it slithered into my head, the prime idea that would result not in violence but something of intense jealousy. Camille was too engrossed with Nate to notice my movement. Oh, she was so screwed. I take a single, brooding step forth and suddenly, everything was triggered.

Managing to dodge the desperate grapples of Jacks and Lucas, I tear Camille hastily off Nate and watch as she stumbles back stupidly on her towering heels. I make sure she's watching before I turn back around. What I love about this, is that it's genuine, rather than last time when I only did so to make one jealous. I actually wanted to and had reason to slam my lips onto Nate's.

He didn't have to act either. Instantly, like a reflex, he fixed his posture so he leaned down to better meet the company of my mouth, all while one arm held my body against his by my waist and one hand brushed the sensitive skin of my neck, holding my face against his. When Nate pushed me back against a locker and parted his lips against my neck, I smirked down at Camille who looked at me like I had just smashed her favourite Chanel perfume.

When Nate moved his face before mine, I smiled at the new and happy glint in his dark eyes, his hair messily falling before his eyes in an unkempt manner. The low and charming chuckle he let out as he stepped back was mellifluous. And, as Camille strutted frustratedly down the school hall, her high heels clacking against the cheap tile, Nate's grin only widened.

"That, Miss Andersen, is why I'm holding onto you." Lucas laughs, referring to the priceless expression that was Camille's reaction. Nate smirked, Lucas laughed and Jacks... Frowned? "What crawled up your ass?" I asked with a confused smile. Jacks only scowled further, managing to perfectly imitate a child that had been denied candy.

"I didn't get a kiss," he grumbles and averts his gaze. The hall was isolated now, empty of people, noise and breath. I smile at the utter cuteness of the fully grown yet somehow babyish man-child before me. On the very tips of my toes, I lean up and press a kiss to Jacks's cheek, and his face instantly warps into a broad smile, and he stumbles forth into a skip without tripping over.

An expectant and alerting grunt is audible from behind me. I roll my eyes dramatically when I see Lucas, one of his eyebrow raised and his finger on his face, which was also angled with his cheek towards me. I grumble and comply, hastening to kiss Lucas's cheek before chasing after Jackson in a very effervescent manner.

While he wasn't expecting, I leapt onto his back and latched my limbs around his torso awkwardly. "My monkey!" Jacks screamed, grabbing my legs with his hands and bolting down the hallway, away from Nate and Lucas. Their footsteps echoed thunderously through the hallways behind us, which were terribly disruptive to a school. A few teachers stuck their heads out of the classroom doors, minatory glares directed at the four of us.

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