Main Event

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Just two more weeks till the big divas match I was so excited I couldn't wait to get my hands on Nikki especially knowing tonight we're having a number one contenders match for the Divas Title it was Paige vs me and I was so ready I was scheduled to win which that was a total bonus to my happiness. Well it was time for my match Paige's theme hit and then it was mine as I made my way down the ramp I gave a couple of high fives to fans. I made it into the ring and the bell rang I attacked Paige with a couple of punches and then she blocked my last punch and threw me into the turnbuckle as she was running at me I moved out of the way and she hit her shoulder on the turnbuckle which got her to the ground while she was on the ground that gave me enough time to set up for my finisher. Paige got up and turned around and then I hit her with my spear I pinned her and got a three count. I was so happy that J skipped around the ring and down the ramp backstage. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I bumped into a person I almost fell down to the ground but before I could actually hit the ground I felt arms around my waist pulling me up from falling. When I looked up to see who I bumped into it was the one person like always Dean. "Oh hey sorry for bumping into you." I say
"It's okay I'm used to you bumping into me."Dean said
"Hey! I only bumped into you two times." I say
"Yeah how many more times are you going to keep bumping into me." Dean said smirking. Damn I swear his smirk is my weakness
"Good point."I said
"Exactly"Dean said
"So what are you doing here anyways?"I ask him
"I work here remember"Dean says with his smart mouth
"I meant do you have like a match?"I said making a fool out of myself
"Yes it's against Seth."Dean says
"Good Luck I hope you win."I say winking at him
"Oh honey you know I'm going to win."Dean says smirking
That was the end of our conversation because he had to leave for his match.
As I was making my way to the locker room so I can get changed Stephanie came to me and said I have to interfere in Dean's match and make Seth lose, but before I could even get an answer she ordered me down the ramp. As my music blasted through the arena I ran down the ramp and skipped around and grabbed at steal chair and slid it in the ring while also distracting the ref. I was doing this flirting thing so I pulled up my shirt and showed the ref my boobs thank goodness I had a bra the ref was completely into it and Dean hit Seth with the chair after he was done Dean looked at me and saw what I was doing and winked at me then I put my shirt down and Dean hit dirty deeds and I told the ref to win. Dean got a three count and came up to me and we walked down the ramp together with his music blasting.

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