Dean's P.O.V.

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As Alexis and I walked down the ramp together the crowds where all shocked, but after their shocked gasps they all cheered our names. Yet out of no where they made a ship name for us "Dexis". I actually liked the fact that they thought Alexis and I where a thing. Wait what is going I just met her and now the crowd is giving us ship names and I like it? What the hell? Is this reality or just a dream? As I kept rethinking about if this is a dream I was snapped out of my thoughts by the beautiful face of Alexis.
"Hey you okay?"Alexis asked
"Oh yeah um I'm perfectly fine."I said fake smiling
"You're lying."Alexis said out of no where damn this girl is good at telling if I'm lying even though we just met.
"I promise I'm fine so what was the whole you interfering with my match about."I say trying to ignore her comment
"Okay then, well Stephanie ordered me out to help you win and before you ask why I don't know I just did as I was ordered to."Alexis says answering my question along with my future question "Oh well thanks for helping me win even though it could of won without your help."I say
"Really? If you didn't need my help then why where you getting your ass kicked in the ring if it wasn't for me you would be getting dragged out of the ring by medics!"Alexis says getting angry
"Well did I ask for your help? No I didn't so stop trying to help me in my situations! Worry about yourself for once then maybe people will actually like you for once!"I say angrily
Alexis doesn't even say anything she just walks away hurt after my comment I can't believe I fucked up mine and Alexis's friendship after just one day. I didn't even bother going after her I knew she hated me guess our friendship wasn't meant I might as well stop with her I should just let her go I say to myself as I get out of my attire and dressed into some jeans and a sweatshirt.
Hey guys just a little information from now on I'm going to be calling AJ Lee by her real name April.

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