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As my music hit I made my way down the ramp and into the ring. Then Brie's music hit and she did her normal entrance. When she entered we both went to opposite corners and the reef rang the bell. After the bell rang I charged after Brie like there was no tomorrow I hit multiple punches on her then I went for a Scissor Kick after I hit it I was going for my finisher the spear but I was distracted by the theme song of Dean Ambrose he came out to the announcer table and sat down. I was so distracted by him Brie did her finisher and pinned me but luckily I had enough momentum to kick out. I couldn't take anymore of this so I just hit my spear and pinned her. I won the match well I was celebrating my victory Brie rolled out the ring and than Dean entered he grabbed a mic and said "Congratulations on your victory but we all know it was just like because you don't know how to wrestle."
I grabbed a mic and said "First of all it wasn't luck because I actually know how to wrestle unlike some people aka you so don't call it luck your matches are the ones that are full of luck."
"Oh so is that a challenge?"Dean asked
"You bet it is." I said winking at him
"Okay then challenge accepted." Dean said smirking at me
Gosh that smirk is so drop dead gorgeous wait what did I just say in my mind omg I need help!!! As I was thinking about what I said Dean's theme blasted and he left the ring I was left in the ring all confused thinking of who I needed to talk to and I just had the right person Paige even though we have a feud on screen we're best friends off screen.

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