Chapter 1 / Run for your Life

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(Y/n) pov.


That was all I could think about. Running around the dark alleys in the city of Ergastulum.

They're after me

Where do I go? Where can I hide? I quickly turned to find myself trapped.

"Shoot! A dead end!"

"Phew! I thought you'd never stop running little lady." one said catching his breath.

"Ha! A runner. Not bad." another one grinned.

I turned around to see my chasers.

"What do you what from me?" I questioned them trying to act unfazed by this situation.

"We just wanted to have fun is all. Isn't that right Ray?"

"Haha. Sure, whatever you say Drew." replied Ray.

"Fun? I am not one of those people. Go have fun with someone else and leave me out of it!" I hissed.

"Huh, look at this she's a feisty one isn't she."

"A little attitude wouldn't hurt anyone."

As they walked an inch forward, I stepped back not wanting to be near them.

"Ha! You go into all this trouble to find some prostitute to help you, but sadly you won't find one here boys. No matter how many times you guys convince me to do your dirty work. No means NO. Get it through your thick skull already." I glared.

"Ouch! That hurts really. But if you say so we'll leave you. Nah, never mind that. You'll listen to us now woman." He ordered.

He pushed me to the ground giving me a few punches here and there, causing me to bleed as he held me still while the other one gets ready.

"No! Let me go! You idiots! Someone help me! DON'T TOUCH ME!" I screamed and struggled to break free.

This can't be happening to me. What did I do to deserve this?! SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME!

I closed my eyes wishing it was just a some crazy nightmare as I braced myself for impact.


"Huh?" I opened my eyes in an instant a black blur came into view as it attacked the people that was trying to hurt me.

"Hold on a minute! Stop! AH~!"

"Ray! You son of a.. I"ll kill you!" Drew came running forward with a dagger in his hand.

"Hmph." he smiled and unsheathed his sword as he darted towards him.

It was happening so fast all I could do was stare and watch in terror from hearing their screams as it soon died off.

Complete silence

The black blur slowly made its way towards me as I heard a little jingle along with metal scraping the floor. I slowly saw a man wearing all in black with a silver tag with the engravings of "A/0".

He quickly did something with his hands, that I couldn't understand. I guess this is sign language.

"Sorry, I don't understand sign language." I answered.

He made a face of annoyance.

"You..Okay? Can you stand?" His slurred voice was somewhat audible for me to understand.

"I'm okay now. Thank you for your help." I smiled at him regardless of the intense pain I could feel from my left cheek. That I think it is swollen.

"Oi! Nicolas! Where are you!" someone called out.

I guess his name is Nicolas?

He walked over the end of the alley way to talk to the one that called out his name.

(Nicolas' pov)

I saw Worick shouting out for me. As I left the smiling girl to face him.

"What is it? I was just doing something?" I asked him with sign language.

"Doing something? And what exactly would that be? That you had to leave me paying for your meal!" he ranted.

"Shut up! I get it. I get it. Sorry geez. Hurry up I'll show you, why I was busy."

"Huh? Wait up!" Worick ran to catch up.

I showed him the injured woman that was still bruised and beaten on the floor.

"She was in trouble and I was just around the area so~."

"Really is that right. She looks badly hurt. Guess we have to take her to see Dr. Theo. What do you say Nicolas?" asked Worick.

"Yeah, I guess. But.."

"It's not my fault that you got Dr. Theo mad on damaging his precious clinic, when you played around with those thugs when he specifically told you to get rid of them." explained Worick.

"Bleh" I just stuck out my tongue, I don't care anyway. I looked over to see that the girl was looking at us confused. I signaled Worick about the woman.

(Worick pov.)

"Hey, sorry about that. So what's you name?" I asked the her trying to change the topic.

"I'm (Y/n) (L/n)." she answered.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Worick Arcangelo and this is Nicolas Brown. How you feeling you think you can stand up (Y/n)?" I asked (Y/n) while offering my hand to help her.

"Thank you."

"Wow~! She's cute" I smiled. Until a certain someone elbowed me hard on my stomach.

"Don't start thinking you gigolo." Nicolas glared as he signed.

"I won't. I won't." I laughed.

Nicolas just rolled his eyes.

"Come on we'll take you to the doctor and take a look on those bruises OK. Don't worry he's just close by."

(Y/n) pov.

Me, Worick, and Nicolas walked out of that dark alley way to the doctor they speak of.

These two guys that just appeared out of nowhere ended up helping me out back there. I wonder what kind of people are they? Especially Nicolas.

"Oh well. I guess I'll trust them for now I guess. Haha!" I smiled as I continued walking side by side with them.

(A/n: Hey! Reader-chan! Welp! This is my first time creating a story like this. Got this idea by a friend in school actually. Oh well. Anyway comment on if I should continue it?! Thanks for reading!) *Edited (6/19/17)

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