Chapter 4 / Clean up

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(Y/n) Pov.

I was woken up by the sun that peeking through the closed blinds. I walked over to the mirror to see my hair messed up, while my locket was still on my neck. I smiled re-reading the secret message inside, I quickly tidied myself up before leaving Nicolas' room.

~flash back~ 

  After Worick payed for my clothes and after Nicolas gave me my locket. We all went to this bar/restaurant called, "Bastard." Where I meet Alex a singer part-timer. I must say she sang beautifully. I then meet a short blonde girl  named, Loretta Cristiano along with Galahad Woehor the manager of Bastard,  and Marco Adriano a guy with a big scar across his face.  I had a great time hanging out with Nicolas and Worick's friends,  they really know how to celebrate a birthday. We danced, sang a song with Alex, and some offered me a drink. (Even though I don't drink at all. )

 It was starting to get late, and we decided to go home after saying thank you to everyone and especially to my new friends. Once they showed me to their apartment, let me say they really need to clean up! There were beer bottles on the floor, clothes in a pile, and posters with women clearly not covering themselves up!  Guessing those are Worick's. 

  "Sorry for the mess, (Y/n)-chan. We hardly have any visitors." 

   "No, it's fine really Worick."

    "Anyway, it seems that you'll be sleeping in Nicolas' room." suggested Worick. 

     "W..what?! No, I can't do that I prefer the couch considering it's his room." 

Nicolas somewhat sighed as  he signed something to Worick. 

  "Yeah, I noticed that too, about (Y/n)-chan." 

   "Notice what?" 

    "Well.. um.. how should I put this. You always seem to reject the things we offer you, before finally giving in." explained Worick.

 "Oh. That, sorry I just do it unconsciously you know. It was something I was taught before my parents died. They said, "Never take things for granted, because sooner or later it will all go away." I never understood what they meant by that, but now I do. Anyway its getting pretty late, I'll take your offer Nicolas. Goodnight guys."

~End of Flashback~ 

I  noticed a small note on the kitchen counter. 

  "Morning (Y/n)-chan. Today me and Nicolas have some work to do. We'll be back before 10pm. See you then."  - Worick 

"Okay, I guess I have some work to do." I placed the note in my pocket as I started to clean up their apartment.  

~(Time Skip) ~ Done with cleaning. 

"Phew! Done and done! Wow~ you see the difference after doing a little cleaning here and there. Just wait until they see this. Woah! it's already 9! And I haven't cooked dinner yet!!" I ran into the kitchen putting on my apron that Worick bought me he really has a taste with frilly outfits. Anyway I decided to cook curry for the guys, because that seemed like a quick meal to make considering the little time I had. 

~(Time Skip)~ Done with Curry! (A/n: Tastes so~ good!) 

(Worick's pov) 

  "(Y/n)-chan! We're back. Sorry for letting you..WOAH!" I walked into the apartment to see a huge difference! You can literally see sparkles everywhere! She really did clean up for us.  I walked further into the kitchen area to smell such an aroma. Is it curry? And there she is, I saw little (Y/n)-chan. And Nicolas telling me not to wake up the sleeping woman on the table next to a bowl of curry and rice. I guess that's for us to eat together huh? I didn't know how to wake her up. 

(Nicolas' pov) 

I signaled Worick not to wake up (Y/n), who was sleeping. She probably did a lot of cleaning today considering her work payed off. She did all this for us it must of been a lot of work. I saw her sleeping face quiet cute. Woah! When am I starting to think like Worick!? As if an alarm went off, (Y/n) woke up rubbing her eyes awake.   

"Oh! You guys are home, welcome back. So how was work? I made you guys curry for dinner if you haven't eaten yet." 

(Y/n) pov. 

I woke up seeing Nicolas and Worick standing next to me. 

  "Sorry to wake you up. (Y/n)-chan." 

  "It's fine Worick." 

  "You did an amazing job in here I completely forgot if I was in the right house." exclaimed Worick munching on the curry. 

  "Haha! Well a little bit of cleaning can make quiet an appearance. So what do you think of the curry you guys?" I asked them wondering if I put enough spices. 

  "It's..delicious. You did a good job (Y/n)." slurred Nicolas as he continued eating. 

  "Glad you guys like it." I smiled. 

  I feel like I'm back to my younger days where I eat my meals with the family I cared deeply about.  I wonder if it can stay like this a feeling of family just eating together. But then again I'm  just wishing to much. 


(A/n: Sorry for a long wait!! Here is chapter 4!! Thx for reading reader-chan! Comment or vote! See you on the next chapter!!) *edited (6/19/17)

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