Chapter 5 / Delivery

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(Y/n) pov. 

     "Worick. Nicolas. What are those brown paper bags for?" 

   "Those bags are filled with medicine Dr. Theo made and he wants Nicolas to deliver by tomorrow morning. Can you help Nicolas tomorrow? I doubt he can carry them all." explained Worick. 

  "Okay sure, but where would you be going Worick?" 

  "Me? Ah! I have to go to the police station. They want me to look at some documents." 

  "Hm~ I never did get to ask what you and Nicolas' jobs are." I asked. 

  "Oh, me and Nicolas we are the handymen of the police." answered Worick blowing out his cigarette. 

 "Handymen of the police? What is that supposed to mean?" I wondered as I continued to clean the curry-stained dishes. 

~(Time Skip)~ To the very next day....

  "Nicolas! Hold on I can't catch up!" I shouted to the one on top of a roof jumping across house to house dropping off every paper bag we still have left to deliver. Honestly Worick. Nicolas is very capable on working on his own with this, while I'm running to catch up! I stopped to catch my breath. 

"How could Nicolas do this? Is he a ninja or something?? Man! I'm really out of shape! I guess I have to hurry up to Nicolas. Speaking of Nicolas, where is he?" 

"Nicolas? NICOLAS?!"                                                                                               

"Shoot! I lost him! and another great part is that I have never been this far deep in  Ergastulum. How uncool. I'm lost without a guide!"  

"Huh? What luck to see a woman in this parts of town."  

I turned around to see a small group of  men smirking at me like I'm a prize.  "Oh no! Nicolas hurry back and help me!" 

(Nicolas pov) 

"Okay I delivered most of the paper bags that contained celeber for the other tags around Ergastulum.  I think I have two left. Huh? Where did (Y/n) go?"  

 I quickly stopped in my tracks to find (Y/n), she's probably sitting down somewhere. So much for my train of thought. I saw (Y/n) surrounded by a small gang, she was getting hurt because of them. 

"Tch!" I unsheathe my sword and sliced the two hurting her. 

  "AH~!" they screamed. 


 "Where did he come from?! You guys get him!" their leader ordered them. 

  "Hmph! This is going to be easy." I grinned.   

(Gang leader's pov) 

  "Boss! He's one of those tags or twilights!"  

  "I can see that! Then hurry up and get one of those medicine pens that woman was holding."   

  "The one called downers, sir?" 

   "Haha! Are you trying to be smart with me boy? Give it to him! He probably wants his girl back."   

   "From what I heard of these medicine or drugs can either cause unbelievable power or strength, while the other one is a tranquilizer.  But the question is where did this girl get them?" I looked at the tied up girl looking dead straight at the twilight who was still fighting my men. 

  (Y/n) pov. 

  "NICOLAS WATCH OUT!" I saw Nicolas getting hurt by one of the members and fell onto the ground. How could this happen Nicolas couldn't..wait NO! The medicine! Dr. Theo's .....


I looked in horror seeing them step, kick, the unconscious Nicolas. 

  "STOP IT! STOP IT! DON'T HURT HIM! PLEASE JUST STOP! I BEG OF YOU!" I screamed begging them to stop. To stop hurting Nicolas. 

  "Shut it! Your noisy." 

 "Ah~!" I was kicked falling on the ground. 

  "Alright guys! I think you did quite enough. The young miss wanted you all to stop hurting her beloved." 

  "My beloved?!"  I totally felt myself blush right there. Even though it was bad timing.  

  "Come on you are coming with us. My sweet." he said moving my face close to his.

  "Excuse me?! And who do you think you can talk to me like that? You thug!" I glared moving my head away. 

  "I tried to reason with you. Do it" 

I suddenly felt a hard strike into my stomach. Did he ordered them to punch me? 

  *Cough!* *Gasp!* "You think that will stop me?" I made mad dash towards Nicolas quickly making sure he's okay. 

  "Nicolas!? Nicolas?!" 

  "Come back here! You stupid Woman!" 

 I felt it again, they were punching, kicking, whatever physically painful. I started to lose conscious.  

  "Your my ideal woman." Seriously you had a necklace saying that kinda cheesy. Guessing it was from him. Huh?" he mocked throwing and stepping on my locket on the ground.

  I was picked up, vulnerable and tied up. They were going somewhere with me as hostage? Nicolas? Nicolas?!  

  "Nicolas~..Help me..please."  


(A/n: OMG!! What will happen next?! Thx for reading! Comment or vote see you in the next chapter!!) *EDITED (6/19/17)

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