1. Detention On Day One

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“Popularity was fickle and elusive, like trying to catch fireflies in a jar. You were either born with it or relegated to wallflower status.” ―Melissa de la Cruz

Chapter One- Detention On Day One

 1st September, 

He had left without a word. No note or message, just.. gone. I had gone to Caitlyn's house to talk about the divorce and mom had gone to Walmart. The neighbors saw him leave the house, jump into the car and speed off with another woman. His things were packed, so were mom's and mine. The neighbors said he had his things shipped to his new house in Miami. He was supposed to stay a week longer and see that all the arrangements were done. But, he didn't.

Today was the day of the move. Well, mom wanted to go back to her hometown, Stratonville, so I had to tag along since she had custody of me. Still, I couldn't understand why he would suddenly leave us when everything was so perfect, I mean, we three were so close. I thought he loved us. I guess I was wrong. The lawyers had said I could go meet dad whenever I wanted to but personally, I just wanted to forget about him.

"Kaylee? Honey, are you still awake?" came a cracked voice from behind the lemon green walls of my room. The door to my room gently opened and I saw my mother, a bar of pure bliss, I mean, melting chocolate, clasped in her slightly trembling hands.

I gave her the smallest of smiles. Her puffy reddish eyes gave out the fact that she had been crying. She didn't need to hide it. Sorrow was painted all over her tear stained face.
I just wish I knew what to do, what to say. Anything to get rid of the pain he had caused her.

Immediately, I hid my diary. I did not want her to notice my new entry. "Uh, yeah. I was just about to go to sleep." I murmured sleepily and laid my head on my pillow.

"Sleep well, dear. You wanna be fresh for your first day, right?" She said with an encouraging smile. I nodded and closed my eyes as she shut the door.

We had reached our new house just yesterday but it already felt like home. The bed was so soft that I fell asleep immediately. I didn't let any worries about tomorrow affect me. Tomorrow was a chance to start anew. A chance to let go of my scandal-filled past.

Tonight, even the Boogeyman couldn't disturb my slumber.


"I'm sure Kaylee will have a great experience here at Rose Walden High. Her missing work won't affect her grade a lot as it's just the beginning of a new academic year,'' said Principal McSean.

The Principal had gone over the rules with my mother and informed me that I was two weeks behind in studies. Which meant extra studying. I groaned inwardly as I thought of the pile of home work I would have to complete. Delaying my education for the sake of a flat screen television? Thanks a lot, Mom.

My mother, Annalese Dilt, too had gone to Rose Walden High. So she wanted me to go to the same 'wonderful' school as she had. Little did she know about the problems that came with being the 'new girl'.

So here we are on my first day of school in the Principal's office. Mom wanted to go over the rules and other stuff while I glanced around the office.

"I spent the best four years of my life in these walls. No doubt Kaylee will too.'' Mom beamed at me, "Well, I'll let Kaylee go on now. It was a pleasure meeting you, Sir,"

"Likewise, Ms. Dilt, likewise," the Principal nodded as Mom and I rose from our seats and exited his office.

Once out of the beige room, Mom, being the total drama queen she is, sighed heavily. "Awh, Kaylee, it's like nothing has changed at all! God, I feel fifteen once more,"

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