10. Nobody Calls Me Chicken Without Getting Turned Into One

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"Avoid popularity if you would have peace." -Abraham Lincoln


ll Dedicated to @adithya_laxhmi for fabulous banner she made (in the media section>)! Don't forget to check out her stories; they're equally fab! ll

Chapter Ten- Nobody Calls Me Chicken Without Getting Turned Into One

"Ariana was right. You are a backstabbing witch." Chloe said as her eyes teared up once more. "I can't believe I thought we could be friends. I mean, you knew I liked Ty, so why go ahead and steal him? Seriously, have you no self-respect? Are you really that desperate? I really thought you were different, Kaylee. Turns out you're not. You're just gonna play Tyler round your little finger and then dump him. Just like Leah did. I know, he looks like a Greek god. But, he doesn't think with his mind, he thinks with his heart. And you have no idea what his heart has been through. Please, don't play with it." I could see tears running down her face, but she wiped them away with the back of her hand. She walked out of the kitchen and toward the bar. I followed her, stuttering uselessly.

Her words were like daggers aimed at my heart. Maybe I don't know Tyler well, but that doesn't mean that I'm going to play with his heart.

I felt my eyes moisten up. No, I can not cry. Not now. I blinked away the tears that were threatening to fall, while I trailed behind her like a lost puppy.

Should I tell her that this is all an act? That Tyler likes her and that is why we're doing this? That our relationship is fake? But, that might result in her getting more furious than she already is. And it's too late for the 'truth' anyway.

But I needed to tell her something. Anything to destroy the wall that has formed between us. "Chloe! Chloe let me explain-" I started, following her as she pushed through the crowd and headed straight for the bar.

"No. I don't want to hear anything. Just leave me alone." There were no emotions in her voice, as if it were made of stone. Stone I couldn't penetrate through how much ever I tried.

But I continued trying while she ordered a tequila shot, surprising me.

"Chloe, no! Don't have that. You'll regret it in the morning," I reached out and caught her outstretched arm.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Calm down, Mother Hen. Let the chick do what she wants," said the bartender with a smirk.

"Yeah. Screw off, Kaylee." Chloe jerked her hand away roughly and downed the shot. Then she ordered another. And another. And another.

I watched in horror as she drank them like they were water. What was wrong with her? This wasn't the Chloe I knew.

I tried stopping her once again but she just shoved me away. So, instead of pursuing in Stop Chloe Drinking Major, I ordered a Coke for myself. Maybe, I should just forget about this whole Chloe Drama for the rest of the night.

Defeated, I walked to the other end of the room and sat on the only vacant couch. There were a few people on the neon dance floor, break dancing to a song that was probably by Dubstep. Hopefully, the DJ comes to his senses and plays an actual party song. Until then, I guess I can wait for somebody to occupy the place beside me on the leather couch.

I put the red solo cup to my lips, taking a sip, but a hand stopped me from taking another one. "Seriously Princess, are you party-illiterate?" Jake said, shaking his head, appearing out of nowhere. "Isn't it obvious that they're spiked?"

I can't believe I forgot about spiked drinks. Stupid, stupid me. But you can't blame me. The last party I went to was at the end of summer, back at my previous town. It seemed like forever since I last spoke to my friends. I made a mental note to email/call/text Tiffany and the rest of the group.

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