16. Meet Stratonville's Drama Queen.. Er, I Mean My Mom

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ll Dedicated to @tashi5525 for being so generous in the compliments department. ll

Chapter Sixteen- Meet Stratonville's Drama Queen.. Er, I Mean My Mom

 I'm only going to say one thing before I begin: Thursday's lunch break strained me better than a blender strains the juice out of fruits.

Let's pretend that made sense because right then my brain was in overdrive.

I stepped onto the pale tiles of the cafeteria floor; determination and the need to end this childish drama being the only things keeping me on my feet.

This was it. The break up scene. I had texted Tyler, telling him to be prepared to which he hadn't replied very confidently but that's alright. We had planned out everything and now it was execution time.

I headed to the table on which Tyler and Austin were sat peacefully eating their meals. My heart beat faster and faster as I felt more eyes on me. Don't look back, I told myself.

"Hey, cupcake," Tyler stood up and leaned in to peck me on the cheek. I dodged him - just like we had planned. "What's wrong?"

"Tyler, I don't think we can um, do this anymore," I said, playing with the hem of my shirt.

"This?" Tyler looked puzzled, "What do you mean, cupcake?"

"I mean.. I mean our relationship." My knees just would not stop shaking, "I think we should take a y'know, break,"

"Why? Did I do something?" He said,  scrunching up his eyebrows, as an anxious expression clouded his features. Wow, this guy should sign up for drama club. Juliet would be thrilled by this  dramatic Romeo.

"You.. you.." I glanced at the tables filled with teenagers before looking back at his perturbed face, "Can we go someplace more private?"

"Uh, yeah, sure," he joined me, walking beside me to the back of the school - also known as the most private place at Rose Walden High. However, with my frequent visits I was beginning to doubt that.

Sitting down on the soft grass, I let out a deep sigh. "Thank God that's done with,"

Tyler sat opposite me, "Technically it's not but, yeah.. I guess it's over."

"By the way, you're an amazing actor, Teddy," I said, "ever thought of joining drama club?"

"Nah, I think I'll stick with Basketball," he smiled.

I shut my eyes. Breaking up was exhausting - emotionally I mean. Sure, I had broken a couple of hearts before but everything happened in private. There's only a certain amount of stares my back could hold. And if we hadn't come here when we did, with my heart still beating so fast and my knees trembling like an aged woman's, odds were that I'd faint.

Anyway, now that we've crossed that bridge I hope Tyler and Chloe will finally get together. Or if not that, I hope my friendship with either of them stays alive.

"So.. ex boy friend, ready to change back to being my best friend?" I stuck out my right arm with a giggle. I had to reassure myself that everything was okay and the subtlest way to do that was to do it in the most immature way I could think of.

He shook my sweaty hand with a sad smile, "Whatever you say, Lee-Lee,"

* * *

The silver chain slipped between the gaps of my narrow fingers and fell into my other hand. Stupid, stupid me. A day had passed since our 'break up' and I still hadn't returned the chain. I didn't plan on keeping it with me, it's just that he never asked for it and me, being the forgetful person I am, always forgot to return it. Maybe I should ask mom to test me for Alzheimer's, that disease could practically explain my whole life.

Talking about Mom, the front door flew open and in skipped Annalese Dilt. The smile on her face resembled a toddler's excitement on Christmas Day. "Kaylee, honey, I've got the best idea!"

I shifted on our white futon couch so that I was facing her, "What is it?" I said with a smile.

"You remember James, right? James Bradley who lives nearby," she continued without waiting for me to reply, "he's in my yoga class and- and wow Kaylee, the man is absolutely gorgeous and filthy rich." Her expression turned dreamy, causing me to sigh.

Yeah, my mother is just the perfect role model.

"Continue, Mom," I said, gently pressing the bridge of my nose.

"Yeah, so, he partly owns this hotel kind of a thing at Kerriwocker Beach and he said.. he'd let us rent out the place for half the price!" She almost screamed the latter half of the sentence, making my ears ache.

Ah, the perks of living with Annalese Dilt.

I felt the corners of my lips turn upward as my brain processed the idea. We've never gone on a picnic for almost a year. Hell, I hadn't seen a beach in the last twenty months.

"Mom, we are going," I said, "We have to! I mean, you've got the discount and everything so why not, right?" I continued, the tone of my voice crescendoing with every sentence, "Oh! Oh! And can we call my friends? Pleeease? Just one.. or two. Three?" I pleaded, making my puppy face. I couldn't wait to tell Tyler and Chloe and maybe even Austin. Or maybe not.. I didn't know him that well anyway.

"We're going, honey," said Mom with an amused smirk, "Linda and I have already planned it all out. Wow, I didn't think you would get this excited,"

Did she just say Linda?

"Um, mom, who all are going with us?" I swallowed.

If Linda is coming, Jake is sure to swing by as well. I just hope things wouldn't be too awkward between us, considering the fact that I kept ditching him after school. Don't blame me, with the death stares Ariana sent my way I had to keep away from her boy friend. Make that boy friend who attempted to kiss me.

"You know, Linda, another friend of mine, Jake and his friends, your friends, you and me. And Bradley of course, will meet us there. We've planned out everything, I just wanted to see your reaction," she replied with a laugh.

Jake and his friends.

Jacob South and his freaking friends.

It's not that I minded Josh. Ariana was the guard dog who scared me and made me mad at the same time. We better be staying in separate rooms or else my head wouldn't be connected to my neck the next day. And that's just if I speak to Jake. 

Let my prayers for survival begin.


Some Kayler drama there ^.^ Sorry for the tiny chapter. School is being an 'Ariana Webb' :c

QOTD: What's going to happen at the picnic? I promise you, you're going to love it.

Oh, and pray for Kaylee, okay? We need her to stay alive to end the book.

~Beverly c:

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