9. Invitation Texts Automatically Make You Cool

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Chapter Nine- Invitation Texts Automatically Make You Cool

"Hold on, you got a personal text from Brent? The Brent?" Chloe said, looking flabbergasted. "You're joking, right?"

It was lunch time. While Tyler and Austin served themselves, Chloe and I talked excitedly about the senior boy's party tonight,. It was Friday, and the cooks always made something delicious on Fridays. Hence, we decided to eat from the school cafeteria today.

I shook my head slowly. "Is it a big deal? I mean, it's just a text right?" I shrugged with non-chalance. Jake had said that he was just a cool senior so I didn't want to damage my brain wondering why he texted me.

"Yeah, it's a text. But from Brent Coddlestone. Brent Coddlestone who holds the best parties ever. Only specific people get invites via text from him. Usually, he just announces it in the school corridor for the others." Chloe explained, then thought for a moment, "Well, actually, it shouldn't be a surprise, because after all, you're the hot topic of the school right now," She looked away.

Is it just me, or was there envy in her tone?

This is new. Until now, Chloe has been nothing but friendly toward me, but now there seem to be other emotions. Emotions like jealousy. Was it because I was becoming popular all over again? But I thought Chloe wasn't the kind of girl to go after popularity.

Although I wanted to know more about the gossip about me, I remained calm and shrugged it off. You don't want to come off as desperate, I told myself.

"Um, Chloe," I said awkwardly. "I didn't know that the moment I stepped inside Rose Walden High, people would start talking about me. I hadn't meant for all this," I moved my hands, "To happen. It just sort of did." 

The moment the words left my mouth I regretted saying them. Sure, it was the truth but, it made me sound like a self-centred bitch. And that was totally not the impression I wanted Chloe to have of me.

"Chloe, I-" I was about to apologize, but was interrupted by the two boys.

"I seriously don't get why the cooks can't make these amazing tacos everyday. They're better than the ones at TacoBell, and those my friends, are divine." Austin said cheerfully as he took a gigantic bite of his taco.

"You just spoke my mind, bro." Tyler said with a glance at Austin. "I just hope the food at Brent's party is equally good. Usually, party food sucks big time." 

I looked at Tyler, ignoring their conversation. "Hey, did you get a personal text from Brent, too?" I inquired. 

"Yup." He replied coolly, popping the 'p'. 

"Oh, and Kaylee, I'll be driving. Brent's house is too far to walk to and plus," Austin brought out a pair of shiny keys from his pocket and shook them, "I've got new wheels." He winked.

Chloe seemed to have recovered because she was now grinning from ear to ear. "And I'm going be the first passenger," With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she plucked the car keys out of Austin's hand, waving them teasingly.

Austin chuckled and looked at Chloe affectionately. "'Course, Chlo." He then added, "So, Chloe, I'll see you at Tyler's house at 7:30, is that okay? And Kaylee I'll pick you up at 7:45." 

"Sounds great." I smiled. I couldn't wait for tonight. Hopefully, I'll meet new people. Though, not too many. I was already the 'hot topic' of the school and that wasn't good, because when you get popular, you also get new problems and frenimies. Two things I don't want.

Then my eyes widened as I realized something.

I forgot to ask mom. 

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