5. The Rain Should Stay On The Plain And Not Bother Me

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Chapter Five- The Rain Should Stay On The Plain And Not Bother Me

"But, wait. How was Ariana involved in your little meet?" I asked curiously as we took our seats in the cafeteria. Their story was so cute and random. I kind of wished I were in Chloe's place. 

I brought out my grilled ham and cheese sandwich and took a bite. The melted cheese left tingles at the tip of my tongue. Who knew mom made the best sandwiches in the history of sandwiches? For a while I just stared into the distance thinking about Tyler and Chloe.

To be honest, I felt kind of guilty. Was I being the third wheel in their friendship? I do not want to ruin things for them. I mean, you could see the way Chloe looked at him. Everybody knows that if two people of the opposite sex are close, one is bound to fall for the other. It always happens. In every movie. The cliche part where both friends fall for each other. And here I am, an obstacle in their love story. 


I don't have to be an obstacle, I can be a catalyst.

I can play matchmaker!

Yes, that is exactly what I'm going to do. I've never tried pairing up my friends before, but hey, it's never to late to start, right? 

"Earth to Kaylee!" Chloe waved her hand in my face, trying to get my attention, "You've been staring at Mia Campell's butt for the passed sixty seconds," she laughed.

Say what?

"Huh? Ew, no! I was thinking, not staring," I replied, startled. I totally was not staring at Mia's butt. 

"Keep telling yourself that, darlin'," 

"You guys aren't even listening to what I've been saying!" Tyler crossed his arms over his buff chest and pouted. I had almost forgotten that he was explaining the story. He looked so cute I felt like hugging the poor guy. 

You can not fall for him, Kay! He's Chloe's guy. Don't be a bitch and break the Girl Code, my mind warned me. Still, I couldn't not be attracted to Tyler. I mean, he's practically perfection personified!

Apparently I was outsmarted, because Chloe -who was seated next to Tyler- put an arm around his shoulders and gave them a friendly squeeze.

"Awwh, we didn't forget about you, Ty," chimed Chloe. I smiled. I like Chloe. Yes, you like Chloe. Now, don't steal her man, advised my mind.

"Okay, well. Long story-short: Josh told me to meet him in the boys' washroom, but someone changed the signs," he rolled his blue eyes, which, may I add, made him look so hot right now, "so I ended up in the wrong one. I'm pretty sure Ariana had something to do with the signs though."

Of course Ariana would be involved in this. She's Queen B-itch, she must know everything, or else she wouldn't stand at the top of the social ladder.

Nobody spoke much after that. I was almost done with my sandwich when the guy from Shaggy's class slid into the seat beside Chloe. 

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