3. His Elephant-Sized Ego

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Chapter Three- His Elephant-Sized Ego

"Kaylee Anne Dilt, why are you an hour late? Explain yourself. Now." I heard my mom, Annalese say with her hands crossed across her chest. She had a worried look plastered on her face. I couldn't tell her about the detention - which was a complete waste of time if you may ask - or I'd get majorly screwed. I don't think any parent would be happy about their kid getting detention. Unless the parent is Voldemort, but that's a totally unrealistic possibility.

"They wanted me to fill out some details, mom. No big deal," I explained with a shrug. Hopefully she'll buy it.

"I called you five times! You didn't even call me back," It wasn't my fault, Shaggy had taken our phones. But I couldn't tell her that.

"It was on silent. I didn't check my phone after school. Sorry." I lied, rolling my eyes to make it seem like I don't care and walked up the stairs to my room.

"Whatever. You better call me next time you're late, or else.." she sighed and said after a while, "I'll be ordering pizza in a while, okay? Come down in an hour."

I smiled to myself. Mission successful.

This is why I love my mom. She can't stay mad at you no matter how bad the situation is. And even if she gets mad, she'll order some kind of junk food to calm herself down.

* * *

"By the way, I invited Linda South, our neighbour and her son over for dinner tomorrow. His name is Jacob, you may know him, he's in your grade after all." Annalese said breaking the silence.

The piece of pizza I was munching on got stuck in my throat and I coughed. What? Jake's my neighbour? What's that now?

I took a sip of water before speaking. "Since when did you get so friendly with the neighbours?" I said, raising an eyebrow. Mom isn't usually a friendly person. Not after the divorce at least.

"Well, let's say Linda got rid of her husband too," she winked but I could see the pain in her eyes.

I was about to correct her and say that he was the one who left us, but decided against it.

"So that doesn't mean you invite anyone over, mom." I complained, taking one last bite.

I didn't want to get friendly with Jake or Ariana or anybody in their group. With popularity came secrets, lies and deception; and I had had enough of them back at my previous school.

"Linda's one of my old friends. Besides, you'll make some new friends here. Jake will help you," she said with a smile.

"Mom, I did make a friend. His name is Tyler." I said.

"So it's a boy, huh?" She grinned knowingly and I rolled my eyes.

Oh no, no questions as to why your first friend wasn't a girl or how you became friends with a guy so easily. This is the reaction you'd get if Annalese Mary Anne Dilt, a cheerleader back in high school, was your mother.

"Nope, he kinda seemed like an alein to me." I said sarcastically which caused her to frown. "Okay, I'm done. I'll see you in the morning." I kept my plate in the dishwasher and began walking to my room.

"Oh, and Jacob will be walking you to school tomorrow. I can't drop you, I've got some work to do." she called out.

When I heard what she said I turned around, Drama Queen style. "What?" I pronounced.

Jake can't drop me to school. No way! It would look so weird. I mean, just, no.

"I said, Jacob South will be dropping you to school. Is that clear?" Mom repeated.

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