For Hummy with Niall

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This imagine is for Hummy and it's in English :D I hope you will enjoy it and also my german readers <3

If you've got questions feel free to ask me anything :)


„Humera, it’s time to stand up!“, my mom’s voice penetrated through the wall.

My head hummed and I looked at the clock.

7:30 am.

I fell out of my bed and ran into the bathroom.

I’ve never been finished faster than that morning.

Nearly rekord-breaking I ran down the stairs, grabbed my lunch pack and waved my mom goodbye.

Outside I saw my bus and I got faster and faster.

„Stop!“, I shouted as loud as possible.

Hopefully someone heard me.

And yes, the bus driver stopped so I could get in.

Behind the driver stood a boy, perhaps a little bit older than me.

„Er, thanks“, I said emberassed.

„No problem“, he said and a smile appeared on his pale lips.

Why am I so shy? Humera, it’s just a guy, get your act together!

I tried to be more positve and looked up into his eyes.

Worst idea ever..

Light sparkles in a turquoise ocean.

„I’m Niall“, he said and stretched his hand out to me.

Confused I stared at him and stammerd: „M-My name’s Humera, b-but call me .. Hummy“

His lips shaped a grin and my world stood still for a moment.

Silence spreaded out and it seemed like the whole bus was stopping it breath.

„Is everything alright?“, he asked and shook myself briefly.

„Eh, yea of course..“, I said and looked at the floor.


The words flashed through my head.

I stumpled to a free seat and sat down.

While I was thinking about what happened I didn’t realize that next to me something was moving.

„Hummy?“, someone asked.

Inside of me all muscles drawn together but I tried to seem like everything was OK.

„Yea?“, I smiled when I looked at Nialls face.

His eyes stared directly into mine and his lower lip was jammed between his teeth.

„I wonder if you wanted to go somewhere, with me?“, he whispered.

I didn’t believe my ears. WHAT?

„OK“, my mouth spoke the words itself.

His smile grew bigger and then he said.

„6:00 pm be ready“

The bus stopped and all the pupils went out to school, exept for me.

I was just sitting there and staring into the air until someone woke me up.

„You have to go now“, the voice of the bus driver said.

„Yes, sorry“, I said and whizzed out of the bus.

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