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Deep within the night Hoodie and Masky came back. To Jack's dismay, they were both more then simply drunk. How they didn't get in a car crash was beyond the cannibal. Sighing irritated by their decisions he helped them into the house.

"You know Tim!" Hoodie spoke loudly as he leaned against Jack, who was doing his best to get them inside at the same time. "You're my best friend, didyouknowthat!?"

"Brian!" Masky hiccuped and dragged Jack down, he also hanging onto the cannibal as they all shuffled into the front doorway. "Awh Brian, you're my best friend to. We should hang out some time!"

"MySpace me dude."

"MySpace is so out of date, get with the times Brian!"

Jack set them on the couch and went back to close the door. Sighing through his nose he just stood there for a moment, examining the situation.

"Is Facebook out of date?"

"Naw, naw I don't think so. Jack! Jack, is Pinterest out of date?"

"Noo, Timmy, that's my Jack. Mine!"

Jack inwardly sighed. A few hours ago he had sent Toby off to bed. He had stayed up to make sure the two older proxies came home. And they did, but not in a state Jack longed to take care of. He was tired, and truly did not wish to take care of them but felt he had no say in the matter.

"Guys, guys," the cannibal said trying to get their attention. Both had shining unfocused eyes and sloppy grins.

"Yess my wonderful, amazing, crazy diamond duckling?"

"What is it JackJack?"

"HEY!" Hoodie yelled and gave Masky a hard look. "No nicknames, my Jack." Masky retuned the look.

"Guys!" Jack cried, getting their attention. "Quiet down, Toby's sleeping."

Both nodded. Then Masky smiled brilliantly. "Toby! Let me go see the kid, I missed him!"

Hoodie laughed and slapped the other proxies knee, scaring him.

Jack rubbed his face with both hands, underneath the wooden mask. "Okay, okay," he said to himself, trying to calm down.

"I can! Right On!! TOBY!" Masky screamed.

"No no no! Masky! He's sleeping, sh!"

"But I wanna see him Jack! He's with me, I got his back, he's got mine," Masky hiccuped and slurred.

"What about me?" Hoodie asked Masky heartbroken.

"Oh course I got your back Brian! Always! No matter what!"

The cannibal's boyfriend smiled at Masky, then at Jack, then back at his friend. "Did you hear that my dear? He's got my back."

"He sure does," Jack said on an exhale. Walking over he crouched down in front of the drunk proxies. "This is what's going to happen. I'm going to put Masky to bed first. Then I'll be back for you. Okay?" They both nodded.

Helping Masky up Hoodie looked back and fourth between the two as Jack started helping him to the stairs. "But Jack!"

"Yes Hoodie?"

"I thought you loved me? Why aren't you helping me up the stairs?"

"Haha," Masky laughed rather sarcastically as they reached the staircase.

"Jack!" Hoodie wailed behind them and flopped down onto the couch. "Love me!!!"

"Shhh Hoodie! I'll be right back, just hold on."

Nursery Rhymes (Hoodie x E. Jack)Where stories live. Discover now