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"Dude,.. You okay?" Masky asked Hoodie, peeking around the bend.

He heard next to all of the argument, they were screaming after all. So did Toby, but before the youngest proxy could leave his room Masky went in and comforted him.

Masky knew Toby didn't like it when Jack and Hoodie fought. He knew this screaming match scared Toby more then the young proxy cared to admit.

Once the front door slammed shut Masky waited and listened, Toby sat whimpering tucked around the older proxy's arm. Speaking softly to him, Masky eventually convinced Toby to unlock their hands, which had been tightly entwined together, and let him go downstairs. Sniffling Toby let him go with wide eyes and a fearful look.

Going down and peeking around the wall Masky found Hoodie sitting at the table. His look was so blank and unfocused that the world could crush in on itself and Hoodie would not notice.

"Hoodie, talk to me," Masky tried again and went into the kitchen, taking a seat across from his friend.

Hoodie didn't appear aware of Masky's company. Sighing Masky leaned forward and rubbed his showing face, still not having put his mask on that morning. Getting up he went to the fridge and got out two water bottles.

Placing one in front of Hoodie he cracked his own open and took a sip before leaning his elbows on his knees again.

If there was any capable way to clearly see into Hoodie's mind you would find nothing. It was blank, and dark, and so overrun that there was no emotions to be found.

He could not do anything, besides sit there and hear Jack's yelling voice in his head, repeating itself over and over. Hearing the door slam over and over again. Left standing alone, realizing what many of their petty disagreements had truly been over. They mostly started before Hoodie left for a mission, especially when he left and didn't tell Jack where or how long.

It had never occurred to Hoodie that Jack would outlive him. That Jack would continue on living, not immortal, but smart enough to run whenever death came around. That Jack would watch Hoodie die one day. Hoodie finally realized how hard he was going to fuck Jack over, metaphorically speaking. He had fallen in love with the cannibal years ago, and not to long ago they made an agreement to hold hands and be together. It felt like a lifetime ago, but Hoodie knew nothing of lifetimes. Jack did.

Hoodie loves Jack, and Jack he, but that was going to be the organ eaters downfall. When Hoodie dies, what will become of Jack? Fear began to pour in and swamp Hoodie's thoughts.

Would he kill himself? Jack said before he's thought about it, and Hoodie did not want that to ever happen, even if he was already gone.

Would he go insane and lose it? Forever killing and laughing at walls and attacking anyone that dare slander the name Brian.

Would Jack find another to love? Hoodie felt a zing of jealousy, then a typhoon of guilt. He wants Jack to love again, even if it's not him. Hoodie wants the cannibal to be happy, to accept himself and keep going no matter what. To collect more stories to tell other friends he might make, to tell other romantic lovers he might create. Hoodie wants Jack to one day be telling a future lover what the ring on his finger is, how the other belong to his first husband that had died long ago.

It hurt, it hurt more then any gash or cut. More then fire licking the meat off the bone. More then any agonizing death. Hoodie wanted Jack for himself and nobody else. But he also wanted Jack happy, to smile, to laugh. These things one could accomplish alone, but they were not nearly as wonderful as sharing with another.

He hated the thought that one day Jack would move on. One day his cannibal would stop mourning over him and eventually forget Hoodie all together. Forget what they had. Forget what they had created. This was Hoodie's life, his very being he was talking, thinking, about. And it was all just a blink in the cannibal's mind. Just another day, just another human lifetime waisted.

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