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Hoodie smiled, thinking about their first date as they lay in the dark room. Jack continued to sleep, unaware Hoodie was up and unable to sleep himself.

The proxy had never seen Jack so happy before. Hoodie knew the cannibal would never forget his, their, first date. They went on dates many times after that, to many different places and did many different things.

They went to clubs and took trips out of town. They snuck into raves and danced the whole night long. Sometimes they would even wake up in the middle of the night and go on a walk without their masks, just talking about random things that was a question to the mind, body or simply something most would not think to ask. But they didn't always talk, some of the dates Jack and Hoodie would go on they didn't share a single word with each other. It was sort of a game to them. To go on a date and only express themselves through actions, no words allowed. So smiling, winking, pulling on each other's arms made them snicker as they ran, or walked, or did whatever they had in mind.

It was not an oddity for them to dance, even if they both knew they were horrible at it. Both of them would stop when they heard music and would dance, if they felt like it at the time anyways. But it didn't matter where they were or what time it was, if there was a good song and they both felt it, clasping their hands together both would laugh and dance and jump and spin.

Each time Jack looked like he owned the world and more, his happiness overflowing and his joy whistling like a teapot. Hoodie never recalled Jack looking so happy before, and loved seeing him in such a way.

Hoodie himself was happy, unbelievably so. He felt the same as Jack, if not more. Hoodie truly was in love with the cannibal Eyeless Jack. His gray duckling, his soothing melody, his crazy diamond.

Hoodie lovingly pressed his lips against Jacks shoulder and left a small kiss.

The organ eater took a deep breathe in, then slowly let it out. Hoodie knew this was Jack waking up and smirked. Mumbling incoherently to himself Jack furrowed his eyebrows and pulled back, still very drowsy. Meeting Hoodie face to face Jack was not alarmed, and in fact lightly pressed the tip of his nose against Hoodie's.

"What time is it?" He slurred and mumbled. Quietly giggling Hoodie got a hold of Jack's hips and pressed their body's together. "About three thirty in the morning."

Jack closed his eyes then squinted. "Oh," he said slightly surprised but sleepy.

They laid there silently. Hoodie was unsure if Jack had fallen asleep again or was trying to get up, the cannibal was not big on talking when he first woke in the morning.

"This beds so small," Jack said in a half voice, stretching out his legs so his feet stuck off the bed and stretching out his arms on either side of Hoodie. The proxy only smiled, Jack had repeated that phrase so much since they started sharing a room. It wasn't Hoodie's fault he had been giving a bed just right for him, and only him. Nevertheless he has been looking for a bigger one for Jack's sake.

Moaning tiredly Jack rolled over and simply rolled off the bed, thumping onto the floor. Hoodie laughed and crawled down on top of him, it wasn't the first time Jack had done this. Dragging the blanket with him, Hoodie slid his arm underneath Jacks neck and snuggled up on top of the taller man. Smirking sleepy like, Jack wrapped his arms around Hoodie's bare back and sighed again.

Then, in the most attractive voice Hoodie had only heard so few times, Jack began to sing.

It was a deep, sleepy, pleasing sound that was created when the cannibal sang when he first woke up. It would make rivers stop and make statues crumble to dust. Open up heavens gates to him and his men eating teeth, and even cause Hades and Satan to cry tears of remorse and sorrow for the transgressions they have committed.

Nursery Rhymes (Hoodie x E. Jack)Where stories live. Discover now